Source code for pina.solvers.pinns.basepinn

""" Module for PINN """

import sys
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import torch

from ...solvers.solver import SolverInterface
from pina.utils import check_consistency
from pina.loss import LossInterface
from pina.problem import InverseProblem
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss

torch.pi = torch.acos(torch.zeros(1)).item() * 2  # which is 3.1415927410125732

[docs] class PINNInterface(SolverInterface, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base PINN solver class. This class implements the Solver Interface for Physics Informed Neural Network solvers. This class can be used to define PINNs with multiple ``optimizers``, and/or ``models``. By default it takes an :class:`~pina.problem.abstract_problem.AbstractProblem`, so it is up to the user to choose which problem the implemented solver inheriting from this class is suitable for. """ def __init__( self, models, problem, optimizers, optimizers_kwargs, extra_features, loss, ): """ :param models: Multiple torch neural network models instances. :type models: list(torch.nn.Module) :param problem: A problem definition instance. :type problem: AbstractProblem :param list(torch.optim.Optimizer) optimizer: A list of neural network optimizers to use. :param list(dict) optimizer_kwargs: A list of optimizer constructor keyword args. :param list(torch.nn.Module) extra_features: The additional input features to use as augmented input. If ``None`` no extra features are passed. If it is a list of :class:`torch.nn.Module`, the extra feature list is passed to all models. If it is a list of extra features' lists, each single list of extra feature is passed to a model. :param torch.nn.Module loss: The loss function used as minimizer, default :class:`torch.nn.MSELoss`. """ super().__init__( models=models, problem=problem, optimizers=optimizers, optimizers_kwargs=optimizers_kwargs, extra_features=extra_features, ) # check consistency check_consistency(loss, (LossInterface, _Loss), subclass=False) # assign variables self._loss = loss # inverse problem handling if isinstance(self.problem, InverseProblem): self._params = self.problem.unknown_parameters self._clamp_params = self._clamp_inverse_problem_params else: self._params = None self._clamp_params = lambda: None # variable used internally to store residual losses at each epoch # this variable save the residual at each iteration (not weighted) self.__logged_res_losses = [] # variable used internally in pina for logging. This variable points to # the current condition during the training step and returns the # condition name. Whenever :meth:`store_log` is called the logged # variable will be stored with name = self.__logged_metric self.__logged_metric = None
[docs] def training_step(self, batch, _): """ The Physics Informed Solver Training Step. This function takes care of the physics informed training step, and it must not be override if not intentionally. It handles the batching mechanism, the workload division for the various conditions, the inverse problem clamping, and loggers. :param tuple batch: The batch element in the dataloader. :param int batch_idx: The batch index. :return: The sum of the loss functions. :rtype: LabelTensor """ condition_losses = [] condition_idx = batch["condition"] for condition_id in range(condition_idx.min(), condition_idx.max() + 1): condition_name = self._dataloader.condition_names[condition_id] condition = self.problem.conditions[condition_name] pts = batch["pts"] # condition name is logged (if logs enabled) self.__logged_metric = condition_name if len(batch) == 2: samples = pts[condition_idx == condition_id] loss = self.loss_phys(samples, condition.equation) elif len(batch) == 3: samples = pts[condition_idx == condition_id] ground_truth = batch["output"][condition_idx == condition_id] loss = self.loss_data(samples, ground_truth) else: raise ValueError("Batch size not supported") # add condition losses for each epoch condition_losses.append(loss * condition.data_weight) # clamp unknown parameters in InverseProblem (if needed) self._clamp_params() # total loss (must be a torch.Tensor), and logs total_loss = sum(condition_losses) self.save_logs_and_release() return total_loss.as_subclass(torch.Tensor)
[docs] def loss_data(self, input_tensor, output_tensor): """ The data loss for the PINN solver. It computes the loss between the network output against the true solution. This function should not be override if not intentionally. :param LabelTensor input_tensor: The input to the neural networks. :param LabelTensor output_tensor: The true solution to compare the network solution. :return: The residual loss averaged on the input coordinates :rtype: torch.Tensor """ loss_value = self.loss(self.forward(input_tensor), output_tensor) self.store_log(loss_value=float(loss_value)) return self.loss(self.forward(input_tensor), output_tensor)
[docs] @abstractmethod def loss_phys(self, samples, equation): """ Computes the physics loss for the physics informed solver based on given samples and equation. This method must be override by all inherited classes and it is the core to define a new physics informed solver. :param LabelTensor samples: The samples to evaluate the physics loss. :param EquationInterface equation: The governing equation representing the physics. :return: The physics loss calculated based on given samples and equation. :rtype: LabelTensor """ pass
[docs] def compute_residual(self, samples, equation): """ Compute the residual for Physics Informed learning. This function returns the :obj:`~pina.equation.equation.Equation` specified in the :obj:`~pina.condition.Condition` evaluated at the ``samples`` points. :param LabelTensor samples: The samples to evaluate the physics loss. :param EquationInterface equation: The governing equation representing the physics. :return: The residual of the neural network solution. :rtype: LabelTensor """ try: residual = equation.residual(samples, self.forward(samples)) except ( TypeError ): # this occurs when the function has three inputs, i.e. inverse problem residual = equation.residual( samples, self.forward(samples), self._params ) return residual
[docs] def store_log(self, loss_value): """ Stores the loss value in the logger. This function should be called for all conditions. It automatically handles the storing conditions names. It must be used anytime a specific variable wants to be stored for a specific condition. A simple example is to use the variable to store the residual. :param str name: The name of the loss. :param torch.Tensor loss_value: The value of the loss. """ self.log( self.__logged_metric + "_loss", loss_value, prog_bar=True, logger=True, on_epoch=True, on_step=False, ) self.__logged_res_losses.append(loss_value)
[docs] def save_logs_and_release(self): """ At the end of each epoch we free the stored losses. This function should not be override if not intentionally. """ if self.__logged_res_losses: # storing mean loss self.__logged_metric = "mean" self.store_log( sum(self.__logged_res_losses) / len(self.__logged_res_losses) ) # free the logged losses self.__logged_res_losses = []
def _clamp_inverse_problem_params(self): """ Clamps the parameters of the inverse problem solver to the specified ranges. """ for v in self._params: self._params[v].data.clamp_( self.problem.unknown_parameter_domain.range_[v][0], self.problem.unknown_parameter_domain.range_[v][1], ) @property def loss(self): """ Loss used for training. """ return self._loss @property def current_condition_name(self): """ Returns the condition name. This function can be used inside the :meth:`loss_phys` to extract the condition at which the loss is computed. """ return self.__logged_metric