PINA Team#
PINA is currently developed in the SISSA MathLab, in collaboration with Fast Computing.
A significant part of PINA has been written either as a by-product for other projects people were funded for, or by people on university-funded positions. There are probably many of such projects that have led to some development of PINA. We are very grateful for this support! In particular, we acknowledge the following sources of support with great gratitude:
H2020 ERC CoG 2015 AROMA-CFD project 681447, P.I. Professor Prof. Gianluigi Rozza at SISSA MathLab.
Next Generation EU for ambiental and digital transition for Italy.
We also acknowledge the contribuition of Maria Strazzullo in the early developments of the package. A special thank goeas to all the students and researchers from different universities which contributed to the package. Finally we warmly thank all the contributors!