Source code for pina.model.layers.spectral

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from ...utils import check_consistency
import warnings

######## 1D Spectral Convolution ###########
[docs] class SpectralConvBlock1D(nn.Module): """ PINA implementation of Spectral Convolution Block for one dimensional tensors. """ def __init__(self, input_numb_fields, output_numb_fields, n_modes): """ The module computes the spectral convolution of the input with a linear kernel in the fourier space, and then it maps the input back to the physical space. The block expects an input of size ``[batch, input_numb_fields, N]`` and returns an output of size ``[batch, output_numb_fields, N]``. :param int input_numb_fields: The number of channels for the input. :param int output_numb_fields: The number of channels for the output. :param int n_modes: Number of modes to select, it must be at most equal to the ``floor(N/2)+1``. """ super().__init__() # check type consistency check_consistency(input_numb_fields, int) check_consistency(output_numb_fields, int) # assign variables self._modes = n_modes self._input_channels = input_numb_fields self._output_channels = output_numb_fields # scaling factor scale = 1.0 / (self._input_channels * self._output_channels) self._weights = nn.Parameter( scale * torch.rand( self._input_channels, self._output_channels, self._modes, dtype=torch.cfloat, ) ) def _compute_mult1d(self, input, weights): """ Compute the matrix multiplication of the input with the linear kernel weights. :param input: The input tensor, expect of size ``[batch, input_numb_fields, x]``. :type input: torch.Tensor :param weights: The kernel weights, expect of size ``[input_numb_fields, output_numb_fields, x]``. :type weights: torch.Tensor :return: The matrix multiplication of the input with the linear kernel weights. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ return torch.einsum("bix,iox->box", input, weights)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Forward computation for Spectral Convolution. :param x: The input tensor, expect of size ``[batch, input_numb_fields, x]``. :type x: torch.Tensor :return: The output tensor obtained from the spectral convolution of size ``[batch, output_numb_fields, x]``. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ batch_size = x.shape[0] # Compute Fourier transform of the input x_ft = torch.fft.rfft(x) # Multiply relevant Fourier modes out_ft = torch.zeros( batch_size, self._output_channels, x.size(-1) // 2 + 1, device=x.device, dtype=torch.cfloat, ) out_ft[:, :, : self._modes] = self._compute_mult1d( x_ft[:, :, : self._modes], self._weights ) # Return to physical space return torch.fft.irfft(out_ft, n=x.size(-1))
######## 2D Spectral Convolution ###########
[docs] class SpectralConvBlock2D(nn.Module): """ PINA implementation of spectral convolution block for two dimensional tensors. """ def __init__(self, input_numb_fields, output_numb_fields, n_modes): """ The module computes the spectral convolution of the input with a linear kernel in the fourier space, and then it maps the input back to the physical space. The block expects an input of size ``[batch, input_numb_fields, Nx, Ny]`` and returns an output of size ``[batch, output_numb_fields, Nx, Ny]``. :param int input_numb_fields: The number of channels for the input. :param int output_numb_fields: The number of channels for the output. :param list | tuple n_modes: Number of modes to select for each dimension. It must be at most equal to the ``floor(Nx/2)+1`` and ``floor(Ny/2)+1``. """ super().__init__() # check type consistency check_consistency(input_numb_fields, int) check_consistency(output_numb_fields, int) check_consistency(n_modes, int) if isinstance(n_modes, (tuple, list)): if len(n_modes) != 2: raise ValueError( "Expected n_modes to be a list or tuple of len two, " "with each entry corresponding to the number of modes " "for each dimension " ) elif isinstance(n_modes, int): n_modes = [n_modes] * 2 else: raise ValueError( "Expected n_modes to be a list or tuple of len two, " "with each entry corresponding to the number of modes " "for each dimension; or an int value representing the " "number of modes for all dimensions" ) # assign variables self._modes = n_modes self._input_channels = input_numb_fields self._output_channels = output_numb_fields # scaling factor scale = 1.0 / (self._input_channels * self._output_channels) self._weights1 = nn.Parameter( scale * torch.rand( self._input_channels, self._output_channels, self._modes[0], self._modes[1], dtype=torch.cfloat, ) ) self._weights2 = nn.Parameter( scale * torch.rand( self._input_channels, self._output_channels, self._modes[0], self._modes[1], dtype=torch.cfloat, ) ) def _compute_mult2d(self, input, weights): """ Compute the matrix multiplication of the input with the linear kernel weights. :param input: The input tensor, expect of size ``[batch, input_numb_fields, x, y]``. :type input: torch.Tensor :param weights: The kernel weights, expect of size ``[input_numb_fields, output_numb_fields, x, y]``. :type weights: torch.Tensor :return: The matrix multiplication of the input with the linear kernel weights. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ return torch.einsum("bixy,ioxy->boxy", input, weights)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Forward computation for Spectral Convolution. :param x: The input tensor, expect of size ``[batch, input_numb_fields, x, y]``. :type x: torch.Tensor :return: The output tensor obtained from the spectral convolution of size ``[batch, output_numb_fields, x, y]``. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ batch_size = x.shape[0] # Compute Fourier transform of the input x_ft = torch.fft.rfft2(x) # Multiply relevant Fourier modes out_ft = torch.zeros( batch_size, self._output_channels, x.size(-2), x.size(-1) // 2 + 1, device=x.device, dtype=torch.cfloat, ) out_ft[:, :, : self._modes[0], : self._modes[1]] = self._compute_mult2d( x_ft[:, :, : self._modes[0], : self._modes[1]], self._weights1 ) out_ft[:, :, -self._modes[0] :, : self._modes[1] :] = ( self._compute_mult2d( x_ft[:, :, -self._modes[0] :, : self._modes[1]], self._weights2 ) ) # Return to physical space return torch.fft.irfft2(out_ft, s=(x.size(-2), x.size(-1)))
######## 3D Spectral Convolution ###########
[docs] class SpectralConvBlock3D(nn.Module): """ PINA implementation of spectral convolution block for three dimensional tensors. """ def __init__(self, input_numb_fields, output_numb_fields, n_modes): """ The module computes the spectral convolution of the input with a linear kernel in the fourier space, and then it maps the input back to the physical space. The block expects an input of size ``[batch, input_numb_fields, Nx, Ny, Nz]`` and returns an output of size ``[batch, output_numb_fields, Nx, Ny, Nz]``. :param int input_numb_fields: The number of channels for the input. :param int output_numb_fields: The number of channels for the output. :param list | tuple n_modes: Number of modes to select for each dimension. It must be at most equal to the ``floor(Nx/2)+1``, ``floor(Ny/2)+1`` and ``floor(Nz/2)+1``. """ super().__init__() # check type consistency check_consistency(input_numb_fields, int) check_consistency(output_numb_fields, int) check_consistency(n_modes, int) if isinstance(n_modes, (tuple, list)): if len(n_modes) != 3: raise ValueError( "Expected n_modes to be a list or tuple of len three, " "with each entry corresponding to the number of modes " "for each dimension " ) elif isinstance(n_modes, int): n_modes = [n_modes] * 3 else: raise ValueError( "Expected n_modes to be a list or tuple of len three, " "with each entry corresponding to the number of modes " "for each dimension; or an int value representing the " "number of modes for all dimensions" ) # assign variables self._modes = n_modes self._input_channels = input_numb_fields self._output_channels = output_numb_fields # scaling factor scale = 1.0 / (self._input_channels * self._output_channels) self._weights1 = nn.Parameter( scale * torch.rand( self._input_channels, self._output_channels, self._modes[0], self._modes[1], self._modes[2], dtype=torch.cfloat, ) ) self._weights2 = nn.Parameter( scale * torch.rand( self._input_channels, self._output_channels, self._modes[0], self._modes[1], self._modes[2], dtype=torch.cfloat, ) ) self._weights3 = nn.Parameter( scale * torch.rand( self._input_channels, self._output_channels, self._modes[0], self._modes[1], self._modes[2], dtype=torch.cfloat, ) ) self._weights4 = nn.Parameter( scale * torch.rand( self._input_channels, self._output_channels, self._modes[0], self._modes[1], self._modes[2], dtype=torch.cfloat, ) ) def _compute_mult3d(self, input, weights): """ Compute the matrix multiplication of the input with the linear kernel weights. :param input: The input tensor, expect of size ``[batch, input_numb_fields, x, y, z]``. :type input: torch.Tensor :param weights: The kernel weights, expect of size ``[input_numb_fields, output_numb_fields, x, y, z]``. :type weights: torch.Tensor :return: The matrix multiplication of the input with the linear kernel weights. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ return torch.einsum("bixyz,ioxyz->boxyz", input, weights)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Forward computation for Spectral Convolution. :param x: The input tensor, expect of size ``[batch, input_numb_fields, x, y, z]``. :type x: torch.Tensor :return: The output tensor obtained from the spectral convolution of size ``[batch, output_numb_fields, x, y, z]``. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ batch_size = x.shape[0] # Compute Fourier transform of the input x_ft = torch.fft.rfftn(x, dim=[-3, -2, -1]) # Multiply relevant Fourier modes out_ft = torch.zeros( batch_size, self._output_channels, x.size(-3), x.size(-2), x.size(-1) // 2 + 1, device=x.device, dtype=torch.cfloat, ) slice0 = ( slice(None), slice(None), slice(self._modes[0]), slice(self._modes[1]), slice(self._modes[2]), ) out_ft[slice0] = self._compute_mult3d(x_ft[slice0], self._weights1) slice1 = ( slice(None), slice(None), slice(self._modes[0]), slice(-self._modes[1], None), slice(self._modes[2]), ) out_ft[slice1] = self._compute_mult3d(x_ft[slice1], self._weights2) slice2 = ( slice(None), slice(None), slice(-self._modes[0], None), slice(self._modes[1]), slice(self._modes[2]), ) out_ft[slice2] = self._compute_mult3d(x_ft[slice2], self._weights3) slice3 = ( slice(None), slice(None), slice(-self._modes[0], None), slice(-self._modes[1], None), slice(self._modes[2]), ) out_ft[slice3] = self._compute_mult3d(x_ft[slice3], self._weights4) # Return to physical space return torch.fft.irfftn(out_ft, s=(x.size(-3), x.size(-2), x.size(-1)))