Source code for pina.callbacks.processing_callbacks

"""PINA Callbacks Implementations"""

from pytorch_lightning.core.module import LightningModule
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer import Trainer
import torch
import copy

from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import Callback, TQDMProgressBar
from lightning.pytorch.callbacks.progress.progress_bar import (
from pina.utils import check_consistency

[docs] class MetricTracker(Callback): def __init__(self): """ PINA Implementation of a Lightning Callback for Metric Tracking. This class provides functionality to track relevant metrics during the training process. :ivar _collection: A list to store collected metrics after each training epoch. :param trainer: The trainer object managing the training process. :type trainer: pytorch_lightning.Trainer :return: A dictionary containing aggregated metric values. :rtype: dict Example: >>> tracker = MetricTracker() >>> # ... Perform training ... >>> metrics = tracker.metrics """ super().__init__() self._collection = []
[docs] def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer, pl_module): """ Collect and track metrics at the end of each training epoch. :param trainer: The trainer object managing the training process. :type trainer: pytorch_lightning.Trainer :param pl_module: Placeholder argument. """ super().on_train_epoch_end(trainer, pl_module) if trainer.current_epoch > 0: self._collection.append( copy.deepcopy(trainer.logged_metrics) ) # track them
@property def metrics(self): """ Aggregate collected metrics during training. :return: A dictionary containing aggregated metric values. :rtype: dict """ common_keys = set.intersection(*map(set, self._collection)) v = { k: torch.stack([dic[k] for dic in self._collection]) for k in common_keys } return v
[docs] class PINAProgressBar(TQDMProgressBar): BAR_FORMAT = "{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_noinv_fmt}{postfix}]" def __init__(self, metrics="mean", **kwargs): """ PINA Implementation of a Lightning Callback for enriching the progress bar. This class provides functionality to display only relevant metrics during the training process. :param metrics: Logged metrics to display during the training. It should be a subset of the conditions keys defined in :obj:`pina.condition.Condition`. :type metrics: str | list(str) | tuple(str) :Keyword Arguments: The additional keyword arguments specify the progress bar and can be choosen from the `pytorch-lightning TQDMProgressBar API <>`_ Example: >>> pbar = PINAProgressBar(['mean']) >>> # ... Perform training ... >>> trainer = Trainer(solver, callbacks=[pbar]) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) # check consistency if not isinstance(metrics, (list, tuple)): metrics = [metrics] check_consistency(metrics, str) self._sorted_metrics = metrics
[docs] def get_metrics(self, trainer, pl_module): r"""Combines progress bar metrics collected from the trainer with standard metrics from get_standard_metrics. Implement this to override the items displayed in the progress bar. The progress bar metrics are sorted according to ``metrics``. Here is an example of how to override the defaults: .. code-block:: python def get_metrics(self, trainer, model): # don't show the version number items = super().get_metrics(trainer, model) items.pop("v_num", None) return items :return: Dictionary with the items to be displayed in the progress bar. :rtype: tuple(dict) """ standard_metrics = get_standard_metrics(trainer) pbar_metrics = trainer.progress_bar_metrics if pbar_metrics: pbar_metrics = { key: pbar_metrics[key] for key in self._sorted_metrics } duplicates = list(standard_metrics.keys() & pbar_metrics.keys()) if duplicates: rank_zero_warn( f"The progress bar already tracks a metric with the name(s) '{', '.join(duplicates)}' and" f" `self.log('{duplicates[0]}', ..., prog_bar=True)` will overwrite this value. " " If this is undesired, change the name or override `get_metrics()` in the progress bar callback.", ) return {**standard_metrics, **pbar_metrics}
[docs] def on_fit_start(self, trainer, pl_module): """ Check that the metrics defined in the initialization are available, i.e. are correctly logged. :param trainer: The trainer object managing the training process. :type trainer: pytorch_lightning.Trainer :param pl_module: Placeholder argument. """ # Check if all keys in sort_keys are present in the dictionary for key in self._sorted_metrics: if ( key not in trainer.solver.problem.conditions.keys() and key != "mean" ): raise KeyError(f"Key '{key}' is not present in the dictionary") # add the loss pedix self._sorted_metrics = [ metric + "_loss" for metric in self._sorted_metrics ] return super().on_fit_start(trainer, pl_module)