pi-DoMUS: Parallel Deal.II MUltiphysics Solver
CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC > Class Template Reference

#include <compressible_neo_hookean.h>

Inheritance diagram for CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >:
ConservativeInterface< dim, spacedim, dim, CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim >, LADealII > ConservativeInterface< dim, spacedim, dim, CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim > > PDESystemInterface< dim, spacedim, CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >, LAC > Interface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LADealII > Interface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LATrilinos >

Public Member Functions

 ~CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ()
 CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ()
void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
void parse_parameters_call_back ()
template<typename EnergyType , typename ResidualType >
void energies_and_residuals (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &scratch, std::vector< EnergyType > &energies, std::vector< std::vector< ResidualType > > &local_residuals, bool compute_only_system_terms) const
void compute_system_operators (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &, const std::vector< shared_ptr< LATrilinos::BlockMatrix > >, LinearOperator< LATrilinos::VectorType > &, LinearOperator< LATrilinos::VectorType > &) const
 ~CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ()
 CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ()
void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
void parse_parameters_call_back ()
template<typename Number >
void preconditioner_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopyPreconditioner &, Number &energy) const
template<typename Number >
void system_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopySystem &, Number &energy) const
void compute_system_operators (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix &, const std::vector< shared_ptr< MAT > >, LinearOperator< VEC > &, LinearOperator< VEC > &) const
 ~CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ()
 CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ()
void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm)
void parse_parameters_call_back ()
template<typename Number >
void preconditioner_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopyPreconditioner &, Number &energy) const
template<typename Number >
void system_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopySystem &, Number &energy) const
void compute_system_operators (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix &, const TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix &, LinearOperator< VEC > &, LinearOperator< VEC > &) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ConservativeInterface< dim, spacedim, dim, CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim >, LADealII >
virtual ~ConservativeInterface ()
 ConservativeInterface (const std::string &name="", const std::string &default_fe="FE_Q(1)", const std::string &default_component_names="u", const std::string &default_coupling="", const std::string &default_preconditioner_coupling="", const std::string &default_differential_components="")
virtual void get_system_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &c, Scratch &s, CopySystem &d, Sdouble &e) const
virtual void get_system_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &c, Scratch &s, CopySystem &d, SSdouble &e) const
virtual void get_preconditioner_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &c, Scratch &s, CopySystem &d, Sdouble &e) const
virtual void get_preconditioner_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &c, Scratch &s, CopyPreconditioner &d, SSdouble &e) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Interface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LADealII >
virtual ~Interface ()
 Interface (const std::string &name="", const std::string &default_fe="FE_Q(1)", const std::string &default_component_names="u", const std::string &default_coupling="", const std::string &default_preconditioner_coupling="", const std::string &default_differential_components="")
const std::vector< unsigned int > get_differential_blocks () const
virtual void set_time (const double &t) const
 update time of all parsed mapped functions More...
virtual void postprocess_newly_created_triangulation (Triangulation< dim, spacedim > &tria) const
 This function is used to modify triangulation using boundary_id or manifold_id. More...
virtual void apply_dirichlet_bcs (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, ConstraintMatrix &constraints) const
 Applies Dirichlet boundary conditions. More...
void apply_neumann_bcs (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopySystem &data, std::vector< Number > &local_residual) const
 Applies Neumann boundary conditions. More...
void apply_forcing_terms (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopySystem &data, std::vector< Number > &local_residual) const
 Applies CONSERVATIVE forcing terms. More...
virtual void initialize_data (const typename LADealII::VectorType &solution, const typename LADealII::VectorType &solution_dot, const double t, const double alpha) const
 Initialize all data required for the system. More...
virtual void get_preconditioner_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopySystem &, Sdouble &) const
 Build the energy needed to get the preconditioner in the case it is required just one derivative. More...
virtual void get_preconditioner_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopyPreconditioner &, SSdouble &) const
 Build the energy needed to get the preconditioner in the case it is required two derivatives. More...
virtual void get_system_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopySystem &, Sdouble &) const
 Build the energy needed to get the system matrix in the case it is required two derivatives. More...
virtual void get_system_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopySystem &, SSdouble &) const
 Build the energy needed to get the system matrix in the case it is required two derivatives. More...
virtual void get_system_residual (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopySystem &data, std::vector< Sdouble > &local_residual) const
 Build the residual needed to get the system matrix in the case it is required two derivatives. More...
virtual void get_system_residual (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopySystem &data, std::vector< double > &local_residual) const
 Build the residual needed to get the system matrix in the case it is required just one derivative. More...
virtual void get_preconditioner_residual (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopyPreconditioner &data, std::vector< Sdouble > &local_residual) const
 Build the residual needed to get the preconditioner matrix in the case two derivatives are required. More...
virtual void compute_system_operators (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &, const typename LADealII::BlockMatrix &, const typename LADealII::BlockMatrix &, const std::vector< shared_ptr< typename LADealII::BlockMatrix > >, LinearOperator< typename LADealII::VectorType > &, LinearOperator< typename LADealII::VectorType > &) const
 Compute linear operators needed by the problem. More...
virtual void assemble_local_system (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopySystem &data) const
virtual void assemble_local_preconditioner (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopyPreconditioner &data) const
virtual shared_ptr< Mapping< dim, spacedim > > get_mapping (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &, const typename LADealII::VectorType &) const
virtual UpdateFlags get_jacobian_flags () const
virtual UpdateFlags get_residual_flags () const
virtual UpdateFlags get_jacobian_preconditioner_flags () const
virtual UpdateFlags get_face_flags () const
void fix_solution_dot_derivative (FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &, double) const
void fix_solution_dot_derivative (FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &fe_cache, Sdouble alpha) const
void fix_solution_dot_derivative (FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &fe_cache, SSdouble alpha) const
void reinit (const Number &alpha, const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &fe_cache) const
void reinit (const Number &alpha, const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, const unsigned int face_no, FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &fe_cache) const
virtual void get_aux_matrix_residuals (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopyPreconditioner &data, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &local_residuals) const
virtual void get_aux_matrix_residuals (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopyPreconditioner &data, std::vector< std::vector< Sdouble > > &local_residuals) const
virtual void assemble_local_aux_matrices (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopyPreconditioner &data) const
UpdateFlags get_aux_matrix_flags (const unsigned int &i) const
const Table< 2, DoFTools::Coupling > & get_aux_matrix_coupling (const unsigned int &i) const
virtual unsigned int get_number_of_aux_matrices () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ConservativeInterface< dim, spacedim, dim, CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim > >
virtual ~ConservativeInterface ()
 ConservativeInterface (const std::string &name="", const std::string &default_fe="FE_Q(1)", const std::string &default_component_names="u", const std::string &default_coupling="", const std::string &default_preconditioner_coupling="", const std::string &default_differential_components="")
virtual void get_system_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &c, Scratch &s, CopySystem &d, Sdouble &e) const
virtual void get_system_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &c, Scratch &s, CopySystem &d, SSdouble &e) const
virtual void get_preconditioner_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &c, Scratch &s, CopySystem &d, Sdouble &e) const
virtual void get_preconditioner_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &c, Scratch &s, CopyPreconditioner &d, SSdouble &e) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Interface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LATrilinos >
virtual ~Interface ()
 Interface (const std::string &name="", const std::string &default_fe="FE_Q(1)", const std::string &default_component_names="u", const std::string &default_coupling="", const std::string &default_preconditioner_coupling="", const std::string &default_differential_components="")
const std::vector< unsigned int > get_differential_blocks () const
virtual void set_time (const double &t) const
 update time of all parsed mapped functions More...
virtual void postprocess_newly_created_triangulation (Triangulation< dim, spacedim > &tria) const
 This function is used to modify triangulation using boundary_id or manifold_id. More...
virtual void apply_dirichlet_bcs (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, ConstraintMatrix &constraints) const
 Applies Dirichlet boundary conditions. More...
void apply_neumann_bcs (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopySystem &data, std::vector< Number > &local_residual) const
 Applies Neumann boundary conditions. More...
void apply_forcing_terms (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopySystem &data, std::vector< Number > &local_residual) const
 Applies CONSERVATIVE forcing terms. More...
virtual void initialize_data (const typename LATrilinos::VectorType &solution, const typename LATrilinos::VectorType &solution_dot, const double t, const double alpha) const
 Initialize all data required for the system. More...
virtual void get_preconditioner_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopySystem &, Sdouble &) const
 Build the energy needed to get the preconditioner in the case it is required just one derivative. More...
virtual void get_preconditioner_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopyPreconditioner &, SSdouble &) const
 Build the energy needed to get the preconditioner in the case it is required two derivatives. More...
virtual void get_system_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopySystem &, Sdouble &) const
 Build the energy needed to get the system matrix in the case it is required two derivatives. More...
virtual void get_system_energy (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &, Scratch &, CopySystem &, SSdouble &) const
 Build the energy needed to get the system matrix in the case it is required two derivatives. More...
virtual void get_system_residual (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopySystem &data, std::vector< Sdouble > &local_residual) const
 Build the residual needed to get the system matrix in the case it is required two derivatives. More...
virtual void get_system_residual (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopySystem &data, std::vector< double > &local_residual) const
 Build the residual needed to get the system matrix in the case it is required just one derivative. More...
virtual void get_preconditioner_residual (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopyPreconditioner &data, std::vector< Sdouble > &local_residual) const
 Build the residual needed to get the preconditioner matrix in the case two derivatives are required. More...
virtual void compute_system_operators (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &, const typename LATrilinos::BlockMatrix &, const typename LATrilinos::BlockMatrix &, const std::vector< shared_ptr< typename LATrilinos::BlockMatrix > >, LinearOperator< typename LATrilinos::VectorType > &, LinearOperator< typename LATrilinos::VectorType > &) const
 Compute linear operators needed by the problem. More...
virtual void assemble_local_system (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopySystem &data) const
virtual void assemble_local_preconditioner (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopyPreconditioner &data) const
virtual shared_ptr< Mapping< dim, spacedim > > get_mapping (const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &, const typename LATrilinos::VectorType &) const
virtual UpdateFlags get_jacobian_flags () const
virtual UpdateFlags get_residual_flags () const
virtual UpdateFlags get_jacobian_preconditioner_flags () const
virtual UpdateFlags get_face_flags () const
void fix_solution_dot_derivative (FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &, double) const
void fix_solution_dot_derivative (FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &fe_cache, Sdouble alpha) const
void fix_solution_dot_derivative (FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &fe_cache, SSdouble alpha) const
void reinit (const Number &alpha, const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &fe_cache) const
void reinit (const Number &alpha, const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, const unsigned int face_no, FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &fe_cache) const
virtual void get_aux_matrix_residuals (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopyPreconditioner &data, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &local_residuals) const
virtual void get_aux_matrix_residuals (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopyPreconditioner &data, std::vector< std::vector< Sdouble > > &local_residuals) const
virtual void assemble_local_aux_matrices (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, Scratch &scratch, CopyPreconditioner &data) const
UpdateFlags get_aux_matrix_flags (const unsigned int &i) const
const Table< 2, DoFTools::Coupling > & get_aux_matrix_coupling (const unsigned int &i) const
virtual unsigned int get_number_of_aux_matrices () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from PDESystemInterface< dim, spacedim, CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >, LAC >
virtual ~PDESystemInterface ()
 PDESystemInterface (const std::string &name="", const unsigned int &n_components=0, const unsigned int &n_matrices=0, const std::string &default_fe="FE_Q(1)", const std::string &default_component_names="u", const std::string &default_differential_components="")
 Pass initializers to the base class constructor. More...
virtual void assemble_energies_and_residuals (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &scratch, std::vector< Sdouble > &energies, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &local_residuals, bool compute_only_system_terms) const
virtual void assemble_energies_and_residuals (const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &scratch, std::vector< SSdouble > &energies, std::vector< std::vector< Sdouble > > &local_residuals, bool compute_only_system_terms) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Interface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LADealII >
std::vector< UpdateFlagsaux_matrix_update_flags
std::vector< Table< 2, DoFTools::Coupling > > aux_matrix_coupling
- Public Attributes inherited from Interface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LATrilinos >
std::vector< UpdateFlagsaux_matrix_update_flags
std::vector< Table< 2, DoFTools::Coupling > > aux_matrix_coupling
- Protected Attributes inherited from Interface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LADealII >
ParsedMappedFunctions< spacedim, n_components > forcing_terms
ParsedMappedFunctions< spacedim, n_components > neumann_bcs
ParsedDirichletBCs< dim, spacedim, n_components > dirichlet_bcs
std::string str_diff_comp
std::vector< unsigned int > _diff_comp
const LADealII::VectorTypesolution
 Solution vector evaluated at time t. More...
LADealII::VectorType old_solution
 Solution vector evaluated at time t-dt. More...
const LADealII::VectorTypesolution_dot
 Time derivative solution vector evaluated at time t. More...
double t
 Current time step. More...
double old_t
 Previous time step. More...
double alpha
unsigned int dofs_per_cell
unsigned int n_q_points
unsigned int n_face_q_points
- Protected Attributes inherited from Interface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LATrilinos >
ParsedMappedFunctions< spacedim, n_components > forcing_terms
ParsedMappedFunctions< spacedim, n_components > neumann_bcs
ParsedDirichletBCs< dim, spacedim, n_components > dirichlet_bcs
std::string str_diff_comp
std::vector< unsigned int > _diff_comp
const LATrilinos::VectorTypesolution
 Solution vector evaluated at time t. More...
LATrilinos::VectorType old_solution
 Solution vector evaluated at time t-dt. More...
const LATrilinos::VectorTypesolution_dot
 Time derivative solution vector evaluated at time t. More...
double t
 Current time step. More...
double old_t
 Previous time step. More...
double alpha
unsigned int dofs_per_cell
unsigned int n_q_points
unsigned int n_face_q_points

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::~CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ( )
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::~CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ( )
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ( )
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::~CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ( )
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface ( )

Member Function Documentation

template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC >
void CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::compute_system_operators ( const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &  ,
const std::vector< shared_ptr< LATrilinos::BlockMatrix > >  matrices,
LinearOperator< LATrilinos::VectorType > &  system_op,
LinearOperator< LATrilinos::VectorType > &  prec_op 
) const
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
void CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::compute_system_operators ( const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &  ,
const TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix ,
const TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix ,
LinearOperator< VEC > &  ,
LinearOperator< VEC > &   
) const
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
void CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::declare_parameters ( ParameterHandler prm)
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
void CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::declare_parameters ( ParameterHandler prm)
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC >
template<typename EnergyType , typename ResidualType >
void CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::energies_and_residuals ( const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator cell,
FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &  scratch,
std::vector< EnergyType > &  energies,
std::vector< std::vector< ResidualType > > &  local_residuals,
bool  compute_only_system_terms 
) const
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
void CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::parse_parameters_call_back ( )
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
void CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::parse_parameters_call_back ( )
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
template<typename Number >
void CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::preconditioner_energy ( const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator ,
Scratch &  ,
CopyPreconditioner &  ,
Number &  energy 
) const
template<int dim, int spacedim, typename LAC = LATrilinos>
template<typename Number >
void CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >::system_energy ( const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator ,
Scratch &  ,
CopySystem &  ,
Number &  energy 
) const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: