

Private method that checks whether the airfoil coordinates defined are provided correctly.

We note that each array of coordinates must be consistent with the other arrays. The upper and lower surfaces should start from exactly the same point, the leading edge, and proceed on the way till the trailing edge. The trailing edge might have a non-zero thickness as in the case of some NACA-airfoils. In case of an open trailing edge, the average coordinate between upper and lower part is taken as the unique value.

  • ValueError – if either xup, xdown, yup, ydown is None
  • ValueError – if the 1D arrays xup, yup or xdown, ydown do not have the same length
  • ValueError – if array yup not greater than or equal array ydown element-wise
  • ValueError – if xdown[0] != xup[0] or ydown[0] != yup[0] or xdown[-1] != xup[-1]