pi-DoMUS: Parallel Deal.II MUltiphysics Solver
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CPDESystemInterface< dim, spacedim, Implementation, LAC >This is the class that users should derive from
 CPDESystemInterface< dim, spacedim, CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >, LAC >
 CCompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >
 CPDESystemInterface< dim, spacedim, HydroGelThreeFields< dim, spacedim, LAC >, LAC >
 CHydroGelThreeFields< dim, spacedim, LAC >
 CPDESystemInterface< dim, spacedim, NavierStokes< dim, spacedim, LAC >, LAC >
 CNavierStokes< dim, spacedim, LAC >This interface solves a Navier Stokes Equation:

\[ \begin{cases} \partial_t u + (u\cdot\nabla)u - \nu\textrm{div} \epsilon(u) + \frac{1}{\rho}\nabla p = f \\ \textrm{div}u=0 \end{cases} \]

where \( \epsilon(u) = \frac{\nabla u + [\nabla u]^t}{2}. \)

 CPDESystemInterface< dim, spacedim, NeoHookeanTwoFieldsInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >, LAC >
 CNeoHookeanTwoFieldsInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >
 CPDESystemInterface< dim, spacedim, PoissonProblem< dim, spacedim, LAC >, LAC >
 CPoissonProblem< dim, spacedim, LAC >
 CPDESystemInterface< dim, spacedim, ProblemTemplate< dim, spacedim, LAC > LAC >
 CProblemTemplate< dim, spacedim, LAC >
 CPDESystemInterface< dim, spacedim, ScalarReactionDiffusionConvection< dim, spacedim, LAC >, LAC >
 CScalarReactionDiffusionConvection< dim, spacedim, LAC >
 CpiDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >
 CInterface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LAC >Interface
 CConservativeInterface< dim, spacedim, n_components, Implementation, LAC >
 CConservativeInterface< dim, dim, 1, HeatEquation< dim, LAC >, LAC >
 CHeatEquation< dim, LAC >
 CConservativeInterface< dim, spacedim, dim+2, FreeSwellingThreeFields< dim, spacedim >, LAC >
 CFreeSwellingThreeFields< dim, spacedim >
 CNonConservativeInterface< dim, spacedim, n_components, Implementation, LAC >
 CInterface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LADealII >
 CConservativeInterface< dim, spacedim, dim, CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim >, LADealII >
 CCompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >
 CInterface< dim, spacedim, n_components, LATrilinos >
 CConservativeInterface< dim, spacedim, dim+1, NeoHookeanTwoFieldsInterface< dim, spacedim > >
 CNeoHookeanTwoFieldsInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >
 CConservativeInterface< dim, spacedim, dim, CompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim > >
 CCompressibleNeoHookeanInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC >
 CNonConservativeInterface< dim, dim, dim+dim+1, ALENavierStokes< dim > >
 CALENavierStokes< dim >
 CScopedLACInitializerGeneral class, used to initialize different types of Vectors, Matrices and Sparsity Patterns using a common interface
 CpiDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >