Tutorial: Building custom geometries with PINA ``Location`` class ================================================================= |Open In Colab| .. |Open In Colab| image:: https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg :target: https://colab.research.google.com/github/mathLab/PINA/blob/master/tutorials/tutorial6/tutorial.ipynb In this tutorial we will show how to use geometries in PINA. Specifically, the tutorial will include how to create geometries and how to visualize them. The topics covered are: - Creating CartesianDomains and EllipsoidDomains - Getting the Union and Difference of Geometries - Sampling points in the domain (and visualize them) We import the relevant modules first. .. code:: ipython3 ## routine needed to run the notebook on Google Colab try: import google.colab IN_COLAB = True except: IN_COLAB = False if IN_COLAB: !pip install "pina-mathlab" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.style.use('tableau-colorblind10') from pina.geometry import EllipsoidDomain, Difference, CartesianDomain, Union, SimplexDomain from pina.label_tensor import LabelTensor def plot_scatter(ax, pts, title): ax.title.set_text(title) ax.scatter(pts.extract('x'), pts.extract('y'), color='blue', alpha=0.5) Built-in Geometries ------------------- We will create one cartesian and two ellipsoids. For the sake of simplicity, we show here the 2-dimensional, but it’s trivial the extension to 3D (and higher) cases. The geometries allows also the generation of samples belonging to the boundary. So, we will create one ellipsoid with the border and one without. .. code:: ipython3 cartesian = CartesianDomain({'x': [0, 2], 'y': [0, 2]}) ellipsoid_no_border = EllipsoidDomain({'x': [1, 3], 'y': [1, 3]}) ellipsoid_border = EllipsoidDomain({'x': [2, 4], 'y': [2, 4]}, sample_surface=True) The ``{'x': [0, 2], 'y': [0, 2]}`` are the bounds of the ``CartesianDomain`` being created. To visualize these shapes, we need to sample points on them. We will use the ``sample`` method of the ``CartesianDomain`` and ``EllipsoidDomain`` classes. This method takes a ``n`` argument which is the number of points to sample. It also takes different modes to sample such as random. .. code:: ipython3 cartesian_samples = cartesian.sample(n=1000, mode='random') ellipsoid_no_border_samples = ellipsoid_no_border.sample(n=1000, mode='random') ellipsoid_border_samples = ellipsoid_border.sample(n=1000, mode='random') We can see the samples of each of the geometries to see what we are working with. .. code:: ipython3 print(f"Cartesian Samples: {cartesian_samples}") print(f"Ellipsoid No Border Samples: {ellipsoid_no_border_samples}") print(f"Ellipsoid Border Samples: {ellipsoid_border_samples}") .. parsed-literal:: Cartesian Samples: labels(['x', 'y']) LabelTensor([[[0.2300, 1.6698]], [[1.7785, 0.4063]], [[1.5143, 1.8979]], ..., [[0.0905, 1.4660]], [[0.8176, 1.7357]], [[0.0475, 0.0170]]]) Ellipsoid No Border Samples: labels(['x', 'y']) LabelTensor([[[1.9341, 2.0182]], [[1.5503, 1.8426]], [[2.0392, 1.7597]], ..., [[1.8976, 2.2859]], [[1.8015, 2.0012]], [[2.2713, 2.2355]]]) Ellipsoid Border Samples: labels(['x', 'y']) LabelTensor([[[3.3413, 3.9400]], [[3.9573, 2.7108]], [[3.8341, 2.4484]], ..., [[2.7251, 2.0385]], [[3.8654, 2.4990]], [[3.2292, 3.9734]]]) Notice how these are all ``LabelTensor`` objects. You can read more about these in the `documentation `__. At a very high level, they are tensors where each element in a tensor has a label that we can access by doing ``.labels``. We can also access the values of the tensor by doing ``.extract(['x'])``. We are now ready to visualize the samples using matplotlib. .. code:: ipython3 fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(16, 4)) pts_list = [cartesian_samples, ellipsoid_no_border_samples, ellipsoid_border_samples] title_list = ['Cartesian Domain', 'Ellipsoid Domain', 'Ellipsoid Border Domain'] for ax, pts, title in zip(axs, pts_list, title_list): plot_scatter(ax, pts, title) .. image:: tutorial_files/tutorial_10_0.png We have now created, sampled, and visualized our first geometries! We can see that the ``EllipsoidDomain`` with the border has a border around it. We can also see that the ``EllipsoidDomain`` without the border is just the ellipse. We can also see that the ``CartesianDomain`` is just a square. Simplex Domain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Among the built-in shapes, we quickly show here the usage of ``SimplexDomain``, which can be used for polygonal domains! .. code:: ipython3 import torch spatial_domain = SimplexDomain( [ LabelTensor(torch.tensor([[0, 0]]), labels=["x", "y"]), LabelTensor(torch.tensor([[1, 1]]), labels=["x", "y"]), LabelTensor(torch.tensor([[0, 2]]), labels=["x", "y"]), ] ) spatial_domain2 = SimplexDomain( [ LabelTensor(torch.tensor([[ 0., -2.]]), labels=["x", "y"]), LabelTensor(torch.tensor([[-.5, -.5]]), labels=["x", "y"]), LabelTensor(torch.tensor([[-2., 0.]]), labels=["x", "y"]), ] ) pts = spatial_domain2.sample(100) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 6)) for domain, ax in zip([spatial_domain, spatial_domain2], axs): pts = domain.sample(1000) plot_scatter(ax, pts, 'Simplex Domain') .. image:: tutorial_files/tutorial_13_0.png Boolean Operations ------------------ To create complex shapes we can use the boolean operations, for example to merge two default geometries. We need to simply use the ``Union`` class: it takes a list of geometries and returns the union of them. Let’s create three unions. Firstly, it will be a union of ``cartesian`` and ``ellipsoid_no_border``. Next, it will be a union of ``ellipse_no_border`` and ``ellipse_border``. Lastly, it will be a union of all three geometries. .. code:: ipython3 cart_ellipse_nb_union = Union([cartesian, ellipsoid_no_border]) cart_ellipse_b_union = Union([cartesian, ellipsoid_border]) three_domain_union = Union([cartesian, ellipsoid_no_border, ellipsoid_border]) We can of course sample points over the new geometries, by using the ``sample`` method as before. We highlihgt that the available sample strategy here is only *random*. .. code:: ipython3 c_e_nb_u_points = cart_ellipse_nb_union.sample(n=2000, mode='random') c_e_b_u_points = cart_ellipse_b_union.sample(n=2000, mode='random') three_domain_union_points = three_domain_union.sample(n=3000, mode='random') We can plot the samples of each of the unions to see what we are working with. .. code:: ipython3 fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(16, 4)) pts_list = [c_e_nb_u_points, c_e_b_u_points, three_domain_union_points] title_list = ['Cartesian with Ellipsoid No Border Union', 'Cartesian with Ellipsoid Border Union', 'Three Domain Union'] for ax, pts, title in zip(axs, pts_list, title_list): plot_scatter(ax, pts, title) .. image:: tutorial_files/tutorial_20_0.png Now, we will find the differences of the geometries. We will find the difference of ``cartesian`` and ``ellipsoid_no_border``. .. code:: ipython3 cart_ellipse_nb_difference = Difference([cartesian, ellipsoid_no_border]) c_e_nb_d_points = cart_ellipse_nb_difference.sample(n=2000, mode='random') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6)) plot_scatter(ax, c_e_nb_d_points, 'Difference') .. image:: tutorial_files/tutorial_22_0.png Create Custom Location ---------------------- We will take a look on how to create our own geometry. The one we will try to make is a heart defined by the function .. math:: (x^2+y^2-1)^3-x^2y^3 \le 0 Let’s start by importing what we will need to create our own geometry based on this equation. .. code:: ipython3 import torch from pina import Location from pina import LabelTensor import random Next, we will create the ``Heart(Location)`` class and initialize it. .. code:: ipython3 class Heart(Location): """Implementation of the Heart Domain.""" def __init__(self, sample_border=False): super().__init__() Because the ``Location`` class we are inherting from requires both a ``sample`` method and ``is_inside`` method, we will create them and just add in “pass” for the moment. .. code:: ipython3 class Heart(Location): """Implementation of the Heart Domain.""" def __init__(self, sample_border=False): super().__init__() def is_inside(self): pass def sample(self): pass Now we have the skeleton for our ``Heart`` class. The ``sample`` method is where most of the work is done so let’s fill it out. .. code:: ipython3 class Heart(Location): """Implementation of the Heart Domain.""" def __init__(self, sample_border=False): super().__init__() def is_inside(self): pass def sample(self, n, mode='random', variables='all'): sampled_points = [] while len(sampled_points) < n: x = torch.rand(1)*3.-1.5 y = torch.rand(1)*3.-1.5 if ((x**2 + y**2 - 1)**3 - (x**2)*(y**3)) <= 0: sampled_points.append([x.item(), y.item()]) return LabelTensor(torch.tensor(sampled_points), labels=['x','y']) To create the Heart geometry we simply run: .. code:: ipython3 heart = Heart() To sample from the Heart geometry we simply run: .. code:: ipython3 pts_heart = heart.sample(1500) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_scatter(ax, pts_heart, 'Heart Domain') .. image:: tutorial_files/tutorial_36_0.png What’s next? ------------ We have made a very simple tutorial on how to build custom geometries and use domain operation to compose base geometries. Now you can play around with different geometries and build your own!