
FaultDiagnosis.fitness_iteration_parallel(out_queue, ichunk, chunk_length, individuals, perturbed_nodes, initial_condition)[source]

Parallel iteration for fitness evaluation. We append to the multiprocessing queue a tuple constituted by constituted by the index of the individual, the individual itself, and its fitness.

  • out_queue (multiprocessing.queues.Queue) – multiprocessing queue

  • ichunk (int) – index of the chunk under consideration.

  • chunk_length (int) – lengths of the chunks (the last chunk may be shorter due to non-even division of the number of generations by the number of processors).

  • individuals (list) – list of individuals on which to perform fitness evaluation.

  • perturbed_nodes (list) – nodes(s) involved in the perturbing event.

  • initial_condition (dict) – initial status (boolean) for the graph switches.