Source code for bladex.blade

Module for the blade bottom-up parametrized construction.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

[docs]class Blade(object): """ Bottom-up parametrized blade construction. Given the following parameters of a propeller blade: - :math:`(X, Y)` coordinates of the blade cylindrical sections after being expanded in 2D to create airfoils. - Radial distance :math:`(r_i)` from the propeller axis of rotation to each cylindrical section. - Pitch angle :math:`(\\varphi)`, for each cylindrical section. - Rake :math:`(k)`, in distance units, for each cylindrical section. - Skew angle :math:`(\\theta_s)`, for each cylindrical section. then, a bottom-up construction procedure is performed by applying series of transformation operations on the airfoils according to the provided parameters, to end up with a 3D CAD model of the blade, which can be exported into IGES format. Also surface or volume meshes can be obtained. Useful definitions on the propeller geometry: - Blade cylindrical section: the cross section of a blade cut by a cylinder whose centerline is the propeller axis of rotation. We may also refer as "radial section". - Pitch :math:`(P)`: the linear distance that a propeller would move in one revolution with no slippage. The geometric pitch angle :math:`(\\varphi)` is the angle between the pitch reference line and a line perpendicular to the propeller axis of rotation. .. math:: tan (\\varphi) = \\frac{\\text{pitch}} {\\text{propeller circumference}} = \\frac{P}{2 \\pi r} - Rake: the fore or aft slant of the blade with respect to a line perpendicular to the propeller axis of rotation. - Skew: the transverse sweeping of a blade such that viewing the blades from fore or aft would show an asymmetrical shape. References: - Carlton, J. Marine propellers and propulsion. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012. - J. Babicz. Wartsila Encyclopedia of Ship Technology. 2nd ed. Wartsila Corporation. 2015. .. _transformation_operations: Transformation operations according to the provided parameters: .. figure:: ../../readme/transformations.png :scale: 75 % :alt: transformations Airfoil 2D transformations corresponding to the pitch, rake, and skew of the blade expanded cylindrical section. -------------------------- :param array_like sections: 1D array, each element is an object of the BaseProfile class at specific radial section. :param array_like radii: 1D array, contains the radii values of the sectional profiles. :param array_like chord_lengths: 1D array, contains the value of the airfoil's chord length for each radial section of the blade. :param array_like pitch: 1D array, contains the local pitch values (in unit length) for each radial section of the blade. :param array_like rake: 1D array, contains the local rake values for each radial section of the blade. :param array_like skew_angles: 1D array, contains the skew angles (in degrees) for each radial section of the blade. Note that, each of the previous array_like parameters must be consistent with the other parameters in terms of the radial ordering of the blade sections. In particular, an array_like elements must follow the radial distribution of the blade sections starting from the blade root and ends up with the blade tip since the blade surface generator depends on that order. Finally, beware that the profiles class objects in the array 'sections' undergo several transformations that affect their coordinates. Therefore the array must be specific to each blade class instance. For example, if we generate 12 sectional profiles using NACA airfoils and we need to use them in two different blade classes, then we should instantiate two class objects for the profiles, as well as the blade. The following example explains the fault and the correct implementations (assuming we already have the arrays radii, chord, pitch, rake, skew): INCORRECT IMPLEMENTATION: >>> sections = [bladex.profiles.NacaProfile(digits='0012', n_points=240, cosine_spacing=True) for i in range(12)] >>> blade_1 = Blade( sections=sections, radii=radii, chord_lengths=chord, pitch=pitch, rake=rake, skew_angles=skew) >>> blade_1.apply_transformations() >>> blade_2 = Blade( sections=sections, radii=radii, chord_lengths=chord, pitch=pitch, rake=rake, skew_angles=skew) >>> blade_2.apply_transformations() The previous implementation would lead into erroneous blade coordinates due to the transformed data in the array sections CORRECT IMPLEMENTATION: >>> sections_1 = [bladex.profiles.NacaProfile(digits='0012', n_points=240, cosine_spacing=True) for i in range(12)] >>> sections_2 = [bladex.profiles.NacaProfile(digits='0012', n_points=240, cosine_spacing=True) for i in range(12)] >>> blade_1 = Blade( sections=sections_1, radii=radii, chord_lengths=chord, pitch=pitch, rake=rake, skew_angles=skew) >>> blade_1.apply_transformations() >>> blade_2 = Blade( sections=sections_2, radii=radii, chord_lengths=chord, pitch=pitch, rake=rake, skew_angles=skew) >>> blade_2.apply_transformations() """ def __init__(self, sections, radii, chord_lengths, pitch, rake, skew_angles): # Data are given in absolute values self.sections = sections self.n_sections = len(sections) self.radii = radii self.chord_lengths = chord_lengths self.pitch = pitch self.rake = rake self.skew_angles = skew_angles self._check_params() self.pitch_angles = self._compute_pitch_angle() self.induced_rake = self._induced_rake_from_skew() self.blade_coordinates_up = [] self.blade_coordinates_down = [] self.generated_upper_face = None self.generated_lower_face = None self.generated_tip = None
[docs] def _check_params(self): """ Private method to check if all the blade arguments are numpy.ndarrays with the same shape. """ if not isinstance(self.sections, np.ndarray): self.sections = np.asarray(self.sections) if not isinstance(self.radii, np.ndarray): self.radii = np.asarray(self.radii) if not isinstance(self.chord_lengths, np.ndarray): self.chord_lengths = np.asarray(self.chord_lengths) if not isinstance(self.pitch, np.ndarray): self.pitch = np.asarray(self.pitch) if not isinstance(self.rake, np.ndarray): self.rake = np.asarray(self.rake) if not isinstance(self.skew_angles, np.ndarray): self.skew_angles = np.asarray(self.skew_angles) if not (self.sections.shape == self.radii.shape == self.chord_lengths.shape == self.pitch.shape == self.rake.shape == self.skew_angles.shape): raise ValueError('Arrays {sections, radii, chord_lengths, pitch, '\ 'rake, skew_angles} do not have the same shape.')
[docs] def _compute_pitch_angle(self): """ Private method that computes the pitch angle from the linear pitch for all blade sections. :return: pitch angle in radians :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return np.arctan(self.pitch / (2.0 * np.pi * self.radii))
[docs] def _induced_rake_from_skew(self): """ Private method that computes the induced rake from skew for all the blade sections, according to :ref:`mytransformation_operations`. :return: induced rake from skew :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ return self.radii * np.radians(self.skew_angles) * np.tan( self.pitch_angles)
[docs] def _planar_to_cylindrical(self): """ Private method that transforms the 2D planar airfoils into 3D cylindrical sections. The cylindrical transformation is defined by the following formulas: - :math:`x = x_{i} \\qquad \\forall x_i \\in X` - :math:`y = r \\sin\\left( \\frac{y_i}{r} \\right) \\qquad \\forall y_i \\in Y` - :math:`z = -r \\cos\\left( \\frac{y_i}{r} \\right) \\qquad \\forall y_i \\in Y` After transformation, the method also fills the numpy.ndarray "blade_coordinates_up" and "blade_coordinates_down" with the new :math:`(X, Y, Z)` coordinates. """ for section, radius in zip(self.sections, self.radii): theta_up = section.yup_coordinates / radius theta_down = section.ydown_coordinates / radius y_section_up = radius * np.sin(theta_up) y_section_down = radius * np.sin(theta_down) z_section_up = -radius * np.cos(theta_up) z_section_down = -radius * np.cos(theta_down) self.blade_coordinates_up.append( np.array([section.xup_coordinates, y_section_up, z_section_up])) self.blade_coordinates_down.append( np.array( [section.xdown_coordinates, y_section_down, z_section_down]))
[docs] def apply_transformations(self, reflect=True): """ Generate a bottom-up constructed propeller blade based on the airfoil transformations, see :ref:`mytransformation_operations`. The order of the transformation operations is as follows: 1. Translate airfoils by reference points into origin. 2. Scale X, Y coordinates by a factor of the chord length. Also reflect the airfoils if necessary. 3. Rotate the airfoils counter-clockwise according to the local pitch angles. Beware of the orientation system. 4. Translate airfoils along X-axis by a magnitude of the local rake. Perform another translation for the skew-induced rake. 5. Translate airfoils along Y-axis by a magnitude of the skewness. 6. Transform the 2D airfoils into cylindrical sections, by laying each foil on a cylinder of radius equals to the section radius, and the cylinder axis is the propeller axis of rotation. :param bool reflect: if true, then reflect the coordinates of all the airfoils about both X-axis and Y-axis. Default value is True. We note that the implemented transformation operations with the current Cartesian coordinate system shown in :ref:`mytransformation_operations` assumes a right-handed propeller. In case of a desired left-handed propeller the user can either change the code for the negative Z-coordinates in the cylindrical transformation (i.e. `_planar_to_cylindrical` private method), or manipulating the orientation of the generated CAD with respect to the hub. """ for i in range(self.n_sections): # Translate reference point into origin self.sections[i].translate(-self.sections[i].reference_point) if reflect: self.sections[i].reflect() # Scale the unit chord to actual length. self.sections[i].scale(self.chord_lengths[i]) # Rotate according to the pitch angle. # Since the current orientation system is not standard (It is # left-handed Cartesian orientation system, where Y-axis points # downwards and X-axis points to the right), the standard rotation # matrix yields clockwise rotation. self.sections[i].rotate( rad_angle=np.pi / 2.0 - self.pitch_angles[i]) # Translation due to skew. self.sections[i].translate( [0, -self.radii[i] * np.radians(self.skew_angles[i])]) # Translate due to total rake. self.sections[i].translate( [-(self.rake[i] + self.induced_rake[i]), 0]) self._planar_to_cylindrical()
[docs] def rotate(self, deg_angle=None, rad_angle=None): """ 3D counter clockwise rotation about the X-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system, which is the axis of rotation of the propeller hub. The rotation matrix, :math:`R(\\theta)`, is used to perform rotation in the 3D Euclidean space about the X-axis, which is -- by default -- the propeller axis of rotation. :math:`R(\\theta)` is defined by: .. math:: \\left(\\begin{matrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\\\ 0 & cos (\\theta) & - sin (\\theta) \\\\ 0 & sin (\\theta) & cos (\\theta) \\end{matrix}\\right) Given the coordinates of point :math:`P` such that .. math:: P = \\left(\\begin{matrix} x \\\\ y \\\\ z \\end{matrix}\\right), Then, the rotated coordinates will be: .. math:: P^{'} = \\left(\\begin{matrix} x^{'} \\\\ y^{'} \\\\ z^{'} \\end{matrix}\\right) = R (\\theta) \\cdot P :param float deg_angle: angle in degrees. Default value is None :param float rad_angle: angle in radians. Default value is None :raises ValueError: if both rad_angle and deg_angle are inserted, or if neither is inserted """ if not self.blade_coordinates_up: raise ValueError('You must apply transformations before rotation.') # Check rotation angle if deg_angle is not None and rad_angle is not None: raise ValueError( 'You have to pass either the angle in radians or in degrees,' \ ' not both.') if rad_angle is not None: cosine = np.cos(rad_angle) sine = np.sin(rad_angle) elif deg_angle is not None: cosine = np.cos(np.radians(deg_angle)) sine = np.sin(np.radians(deg_angle)) else: raise ValueError( 'You have to pass either the angle in radians or in degrees.') # Rotation is always about the X-axis, which is the center if the hub # according to the implemented transformation procedure rot_matrix = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, cosine, -sine, 0, sine, cosine]).reshape((3, 3)) for i in range(self.n_sections): coord_matrix_up = np.vstack((self.blade_coordinates_up[i][0], self.blade_coordinates_up[i][1], self.blade_coordinates_up[i][2])) coord_matrix_down = np.vstack((self.blade_coordinates_down[i][0], self.blade_coordinates_down[i][1], self.blade_coordinates_down[i][2])) new_coord_matrix_up =, coord_matrix_up) new_coord_matrix_down =, coord_matrix_down) self.blade_coordinates_up[i][0] = new_coord_matrix_up[0] self.blade_coordinates_up[i][1] = new_coord_matrix_up[1] self.blade_coordinates_up[i][2] = new_coord_matrix_up[2] self.blade_coordinates_down[i][0] = new_coord_matrix_down[0] self.blade_coordinates_down[i][1] = new_coord_matrix_down[1] self.blade_coordinates_down[i][2] = new_coord_matrix_down[2]
[docs] def plot(self, elev=None, azim=None, ax=None, outfile=None): """ Plot the generated blade sections. :param int elev: set the view elevation of the axes. This can be used to rotate the axes programatically. 'elev' stores the elevation angle in the z plane. If elev is None, then the initial value is used which was specified in the mplot3d.Axes3D constructor. Default value is None :param int azim: set the view azimuth angle of the axes. This can be used to rotate the axes programatically. 'azim' stores the azimuth angle in the x,y plane. If azim is None, then the initial value is used which was specified in the mplot3d.Axes3D constructor. Default value is None :param matplotlib.axes ax: allows to pass the instance of figure axes to the current plot. This is useful when the user needs to plot the coordinates of several blade objects on the same figure (see the example below). If nothing is passed then the method plots on a new figure axes. Default value is None :param string outfile: save the plot if a filename string is provided. Default value is None EXAMPLE: Assume we already have the arrays radii, chord, pitch, rake, skew for 10 blade sections. >>> sections_1 = np.asarray([blade.NacaProfile(digits='0012') for i in range(10)]) >>> blade_1 = blade.Blade(sections=sections, radii=radii, chord_lengths=chord, pitch=pitch, rake=rake, skew_angles=skew) >>> blade_1.apply_transformations() >>> sections_2 = np.asarray([blade.NacaProfile(digits='0012') for i in range(10)]) >>> blade_2 = blade.Blade(sections=sections, radii=radii, chord_lengths=chord, pitch=pitch, rake=rake, skew_angles=skew) >>> blade_2.apply_transformations() >>> blade_2.rotate(rot_angle_deg=72) >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> ax = fig.gca( >>> blade_1.plot(ax=ax) >>> blade_2.plot(ax=ax) On the other hand, if we need to plot for a single blade object, we can just ignore such parameter, and the method will internally create a new instance for the figure axes, i.e. >>> sections = np.asarray([blade.NacaProfile(digits='0012') for i in range(10)]) >>> blade = blade.Blade(sections=sections, radii=radii, chord_lengths=chord, pitch=pitch, rake=rake, skew_angles=skew) >>> blade.apply_transformations() >>> blade.plot() """ if not self.blade_coordinates_up: raise ValueError('You must apply transformations before plotting.') if ax: ax = ax else: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca( ax.set_aspect('equal') for i in range(self.n_sections): ax.plot(self.blade_coordinates_up[i][0], self.blade_coordinates_up[i][1], self.blade_coordinates_up[i][2]) ax.plot(self.blade_coordinates_down[i][0], self.blade_coordinates_down[i][1], self.blade_coordinates_down[i][2]) plt.axis('equal') ax.set_xlabel('X axis') ax.set_ylabel('Y axis') ax.set_zlabel('radii axis') ax.xaxis.label.set_color('red') ax.yaxis.label.set_color('red') ax.zaxis.label.set_color('red') ax.view_init(elev=elev, azim=azim) if outfile: plt.savefig(outfile)
[docs] def _import_occ_libs(): """ Private static method to import specific modules from the OCC package. """ from OCC.BRepOffsetAPI import BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections from import gp_Pnt from OCC.TColgp import TColgp_HArray1OfPnt from OCC.GeomAPI import GeomAPI_Interpolate from OCC.BRepBuilderAPI import BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex,\ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge, BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire # Set the imported modules as global variables to be used out of scope global BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections, gp_Pnt, TColgp_HArray1OfPnt,\ GeomAPI_Interpolate, BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex,\ BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge, BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire
[docs] def _generate_upper_face(self, maxDeg): """ Private method to generate the blade upper face. :param int maxDeg: Define the maximal U degree of generated surface """ self._import_occ_libs() # Initializes ThruSections algorithm for building a shell passing # through a set of sections (wires). The generated faces between # the edges of every two consecutive wires are smoothed out with # a precision criterion = 1e-10 generator = BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections(False, False, 1e-10) generator.SetMaxDegree(maxDeg) # Define upper edges (wires) for the face generation for i in range(self.n_sections): npoints = len(self.blade_coordinates_up[i][0]) vertices = TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1, npoints) for j in range(npoints): vertices.SetValue( j + 1, gp_Pnt(1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[i][0][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[i][1][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[i][2][j])) # Initializes an algorithm for constructing a constrained # BSpline curve passing through the points of the blade i-th # section, with tolerance = 1e-9 bspline = GeomAPI_Interpolate(vertices.GetHandle(), False, 1e-9) bspline.Perform() edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(bspline.Curve()).Edge() if i == 0: bound_root_edge = edge # Add BSpline wire to the generator constructor generator.AddWire(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(edge).Wire()) # Returns the shape built by the shape construction algorithm generator.Build() # Returns the Face generated by each edge of the first section self.generated_upper_face = generator.GeneratedFace(bound_root_edge)
[docs] def _generate_lower_face(self, maxDeg): """ Private method to generate the blade lower face. :param int maxDeg: Define the maximal U degree of generated surface """ self._import_occ_libs() # Initializes ThruSections algorithm for building a shell passing # through a set of sections (wires). The generated faces between # the edges of every two consecutive wires are smoothed out with # a precision criterion = 1e-10 generator = BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections(False, False, 1e-10) generator.SetMaxDegree(maxDeg) # Define upper edges (wires) for the face generation for i in range(self.n_sections): npoints = len(self.blade_coordinates_down[i][0]) vertices = TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1, npoints) for j in range(npoints): vertices.SetValue( j + 1, gp_Pnt(1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[i][0][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[i][1][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[i][2][j])) # Initializes an algorithm for constructing a constrained # BSpline curve passing through the points of the blade i-th # section, with tolerance = 1e-9 bspline = GeomAPI_Interpolate(vertices.GetHandle(), False, 1e-9) bspline.Perform() edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(bspline.Curve()).Edge() if i == 0: bound_root_edge = edge # Add BSpline wire to the generator constructor generator.AddWire(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(edge).Wire()) # Returns the shape built by the shape construction algorithm generator.Build() # Returns the Face generated by each edge of the first section self.generated_lower_face = generator.GeneratedFace(bound_root_edge)
[docs] def _generate_tip(self, maxDeg): """ Private method to generate the surface that closing the blade tip. :param int maxDeg: Define the maximal U degree of generated surface """ self._import_occ_libs() generator = BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections(False, False, 1e-10) generator.SetMaxDegree(maxDeg) # npoints_up == npoints_down npoints = len(self.blade_coordinates_down[-1][0]) vertices_1 = TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1, npoints) vertices_2 = TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1, npoints) for j in range(npoints): vertices_1.SetValue( j + 1, gp_Pnt(1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[-1][0][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[-1][1][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[-1][2][j])) vertices_2.SetValue( j + 1, gp_Pnt(1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[-1][0][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[-1][1][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[-1][2][j])) # Initializes an algorithm for constructing a constrained # BSpline curve passing through the points of the blade last # section, with tolerance = 1e-9 bspline_1 = GeomAPI_Interpolate(vertices_1.GetHandle(), False, 1e-9) bspline_1.Perform() bspline_2 = GeomAPI_Interpolate(vertices_2.GetHandle(), False, 1e-9) bspline_2.Perform() edge_1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(bspline_1.Curve()).Edge() edge_2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(bspline_2.Curve()).Edge() # Add BSpline wire to the generator constructor generator.AddWire(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(edge_1).Wire()) generator.AddWire(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(edge_2).Wire()) # Returns the shape built by the shape construction algorithm generator.Build() # Returns the Face generated by each edge of the first section self.generated_tip = generator.GeneratedFace(edge_1)
[docs] def _write_blade_errors(self, upper_face, lower_face, errors): """ Private method to write the errors between the generated foil points in 3D space from the parametric transformations, and their projections on the generated blade faces from the OCC algorithm. :param string upper_face: if string is passed then the method generates the blade upper surface using the BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections algorithm, then exports the generated CAD into .iges file holding the name <upper_face_string>.iges :param string lower_face: if string is passed then the method generates the blade lower surface using the BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections algorithm, then exports the generated CAD into .iges file holding the name <lower_face_string>.iges :param string errors: if string is passed then the method writes out the distances between each discrete point used to construct the blade and the nearest point on the CAD that is perpendicular to that point """ from import gp_Pnt from OCC.BRepBuilderAPI import BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex from OCC.BRepExtrema import BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape output_string = '\n' with open(errors + '.txt', 'w') as f: if upper_face: output_string += '########## UPPER FACE ##########\n\n' output_string += 'N_section\t\tN_point\t\t\tX_crds\t\t\t\t' output_string += 'Y_crds\t\t\t\t\tZ_crds\t\t\t\t\tDISTANCE' output_string += '\n\n' for i in range(self.n_sections): alength = len(self.blade_coordinates_up[i][0]) for j in range(alength): vertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex( gp_Pnt( 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[i][0][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[i][1][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[i][2][j])).Vertex() projection = BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape( self.generated_upper_face, vertex) projection.Perform() output_string += str( i) + '\t\t\t' + str(j) + '\t\t\t' + str( 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[i][0][j]) + '\t\t\t' output_string += str( 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[i][1] [j]) + '\t\t\t' + str( 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_up[i][2] [j]) + '\t\t\t' + str(projection.Value()) output_string += '\n' if lower_face: output_string += '########## LOWER FACE ##########\n\n' output_string += 'N_section\t\tN_point\t\t\tX_crds\t\t\t\t' output_string += 'Y_crds\t\t\t\t\tZ_crds\t\t\t\t\tDISTANCE' output_string += '\n\n' for i in range(self.n_sections): alength = len(self.blade_coordinates_down[i][0]) for j in range(alength): vertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex( gp_Pnt( 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[i][0][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[i][1][j], 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[i][2][j])).Vertex() projection = BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape( self.generated_lower_face, vertex) projection.Perform() output_string += str( i) + '\t\t\t' + str(j) + '\t\t\t' + str( 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[i][0][j]) + '\t\t\t' output_string += str( 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[i][1] [j]) + '\t\t\t' + str( 1000 * self.blade_coordinates_down[i][2] [j]) + '\t\t\t' + str(projection.Value()) output_string += '\n' f.write(output_string)
[docs] def generate_iges(self, upper_face=None, lower_face=None, tip=None, maxDeg=1, display=False, errors=None): """ Generate and export the .iges CAD for the blade upper face, lower face, and tip. This method requires PythonOCC to be installed. :param string upper_face: if string is passed then the method generates the blade upper surface using the BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections algorithm, then exports the generated CAD into .iges file holding the name <upper_face_string>.iges. Default value is None :param string lower_face: if string is passed then the method generates the blade lower surface using the BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections algorithm, then exports the generated CAD into .iges file holding the name <lower_face_string>.iges. Default value is None :param string tip: if string is passed then the method generates the blade tip using the BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections algorithm in order to close the blade, then exports the generated CAD into .iges file holding the name <tip_string>.iges. Default value is None :param int maxDeg: Define the maximal U degree of generated surface. Default value is 1 :param bool display: if True, then display the generated CAD. Default value is False :param string errors: if string is passed then the method writes out the distances between each discrete point used to construct the blade and the nearest point on the CAD that is perpendicular to that point. Default value is None We note that the blade object must have its radial sections be arranged in order from the blade root to the blade tip, so that generate_iges method can build the CAD surface that passes through the corresponding airfoils. Also to be able to identify and close the blade tip. """ from OCC.IGESControl import IGESControl_Writer from OCC.Display.SimpleGui import init_display if maxDeg <= 0: raise ValueError('maxDeg argument must be a positive integer.') if upper_face: self._check_string(filename=upper_face) self._generate_upper_face(maxDeg=maxDeg) # Write IGES iges_writer = IGESControl_Writer() iges_writer.AddShape(self.generated_upper_face) iges_writer.Write(upper_face + '.iges') if lower_face: self._check_string(filename=lower_face) self._generate_lower_face(maxDeg=maxDeg) # Write IGES iges_writer = IGESControl_Writer() iges_writer.AddShape(self.generated_lower_face) iges_writer.Write(lower_face + '.iges') if tip: self._check_string(filename=tip) self._generate_tip(maxDeg=maxDeg) iges_writer = IGESControl_Writer() iges_writer.AddShape(self.generated_tip) iges_writer.Write(tip + '.iges') if errors: # Write out errors between discrete points and constructed faces self._check_string(filename=errors) self._check_errors(upper_face=upper_face, lower_face=lower_face) self._write_blade_errors( upper_face=upper_face, lower_face=lower_face, errors=errors) if display: display, start_display, add_menu, add_function_to_menu = init_display( ) ## DISPLAY FACES if upper_face: display.DisplayShape(generated_upper_face, update=True) if lower_face: display.DisplayShape(generated_lower_face, update=True) if tip: display.DisplayShape(generated_tip, update=True) start_display()
[docs] def generate_stl(self, min_length=None, max_length=None, outfile_stl=None): """ Generate and export the .STL surface mesh for the blade as a whole, including the upper face, lower face and tip. The method utilizes modules from OCC SMESH which is standalone mesh framework based on SALOME mesher project. Please refer to and for further details. This method requires PythonOCC and SMESH to be installed. :param double min_length: smallest distance between two nodes. Default value is None :param double max_length: largest distance between two nodes. Default value is None :param string outfile_stl: if string is passed then the method exports the generated 2D surface mesh into .stl file holding the name <outfile_stl>.stl. Default value is None We note that since the current implementation performs triangulation based on a topological compound that combines the blade 3 generated shapes without "fusion", it may happen that the generated triangulation of the upper and lower blade faces do not share the same exact nodes on the joint edge/wire resulting from the faces intersection. The current implementation can be enough for visualization purpose. However if the generated mesh is intended for computational analysis then a manual mesh healing is recommended by the user (e.g. see "Repair > Sewing" in SALOME GUI) for a proper mesh closure. """ from OCC.SMESH import SMESH_Gen from OCC.StdMeshers import ( StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D, StdMeshers_TrianglePreference, StdMeshers_Regular_1D, StdMeshers_MEFISTO_2D) from OCC.BRep import BRep_Builder from OCC.TopoDS import TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Compound if min_length <= 0 or max_length <= 0: raise ValueError('min_length and max_length must be positive.') if min_length >= max_length: raise ValueError('min_length can not be greater than max_length') # First we check that blade shapes are generated, otherwise we generate # them. After that we combine the generated_upper_face, # generated_lower_face, and generated_tip into a topological compound # that we use to compute the surface mesh if (self.generated_upper_face is None) or not isinstance( self.generated_upper_face, TopoDS_Shape): # Upper face is generated with a maximal U degree = 1 self._generate_upper_face(maxDeg=1) if (self.generated_lower_face is None) or not isinstance( self.generated_lower_face, TopoDS_Shape): # Upper face is generated with a maximal U degree = 1 self._generate_lower_face(maxDeg=1) if (self.generated_tip is None) or not isinstance( self.generated_tip, TopoDS_Shape): # Upper face is generated with a maximal U degree = 1 self._generate_tip(maxDeg=1) # Now we regroup all the shapes into a TopoDS_Compound aCompound = TopoDS_Compound() aBuilder = BRep_Builder() aBuilder.MakeCompound(aCompound) # Add shapes aBuilder.Add(aCompound, self.generated_upper_face) aBuilder.Add(aCompound, self.generated_lower_face) aBuilder.Add(aCompound, self.generated_tip) # In the following we build the surface mesh according to the given # hypotheses aMeshGen = SMESH_Gen() aMesh = aMeshGen.CreateMesh(0, True) # Adding 1D hypothesis and algorithms # Wire discretization. Nodes are distributed based on Arithmetic1D # hypothesis which allows to split edges into segments with a length # that changes in arithmetic progression (Lk = Lk-1 + d) beginning # from a given min length and up to a given max length. More about # 1D hypotheses can be viewed through: # an1DHypothesis = StdMeshers_Arithmetic1D(0, 0, aMeshGen) # Smallest distance between 2 points an1DHypothesis.SetLength(min_length, False) # Longest distance between 2 points an1DHypothesis.SetLength(max_length, True) # Regular Interpolation an1DAlgo = StdMeshers_Regular_1D(1, 0, aMeshGen) # Adding 2D hypothesis and algorithms # 2D surface mesh -- Triangulations a2dHypothseis = StdMeshers_TrianglePreference(2, 0, aMeshGen) a2dAlgo = StdMeshers_MEFISTO_2D(3, 0, aMeshGen) #Calculate mesh for the topological compound containing the 3 shapes aMesh.ShapeToMesh(aCompound) #Assign hyptothesis to mesh aMesh.AddHypothesis(aCompound, 0) aMesh.AddHypothesis(aCompound, 1) aMesh.AddHypothesis(aCompound, 2) aMesh.AddHypothesis(aCompound, 3) if outfile_stl is not None: if not isinstance(outfile_stl, str): raise ValueError('outfile_stl must be a valid string.') #Compute the data aMeshGen.Compute(aMesh, aMesh.GetShapeToMesh()) # Export STL aMesh.ExportSTL(outfile_stl + '.stl', False)
[docs] def _check_string(filename): """ Private method to check if the parameter type is string :param string filename: filename of the generated .iges surface """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError('IGES filename must be a valid string.')
[docs] def _check_errors(upper_face, lower_face): """ Private method to check if either the blade upper face or lower face is passed in the generate_iges method. Otherwise it raises an exception :param string upper_face: blade upper face. :param string lower_face: blade lower face. """ if not (upper_face or lower_face): raise ValueError( 'Either upper_face or lower_face must not be None.')
[docs] def _abs_to_norm(self, D_prop): """ Private method to normalize the blade parameters. :param float D_prop: propeller diameter """ self.radii = self.radii * 2. / D_prop self.chord_lengths = self.chord_lengths / D_prop self.pitch = self.pitch / D_prop self.rake = self.rake / D_prop
[docs] def _norm_to_abs(self, D_prop): """ Private method that converts the normalized blade parameters into the actual values. :param float D_prop: propeller diameter """ self.radii = self.radii * D_prop / 2. self.chord_lengths = self.chord_lengths * D_prop self.pitch = self.pitch * D_prop self.rake = self.rake * D_prop
[docs] def export_ppg(self, filename='data_out.ppg', D_prop=0.25, D_hub=0.075, n_blades=5, params_normalized=False): """ Export the generated blade parameters and sectional profiles into .ppg format. :param string filename: name of the exported file. Default is 'data/data_out.ppg' :param float D_prop: propeller diameter :param float D_hub: hub diameter :param float n_blades: number of blades :param bool params_normalized: since the standard .ppg format contains the blade parameters in the normalized form, therefore the user needs to inform whether the provided parameters (from the class Blade) are normalized or not. By default the argument is set to False, which assumes the user provides the blade parameters in their actual values, i.e. not normalized, hence a normalization operation needs to be applied so as to follow the .ppg standard format. """ thickness = np.zeros(self.n_sections) camber = np.zeros(self.n_sections) for i, section in enumerate(self.sections): # Evaluate maximum profile thickness and camber for each section. # We assume at the current step, that sectional profiles already # have the coordinates (x_up,x_down) normalized by chord length (C) # and subsequently (y_up,y_down) are also scaled. This implies that # the computed thickness and camber are given in their normalized # form, i.e. thickness=t/C and camber=f/C. thickness[i] = section.max_thickness() camber[i] = section.max_camber() if params_normalized is False: # Put the parameters (radii, chord, pitch, rake) in the normalized # form. self._abs_to_norm(D_prop=D_prop) output_string = "" output_string += 'propeller id = SVA\n' output_string += 'propeller diameter = ' + str(D_prop) + '\n' output_string += 'hub diameter = ' + str(D_hub) + '\n' output_string += 'number of blades = ' + str(n_blades) + '\n' output_string += "'Elica PPTC workshop'\n" output_string += 'number of radial sections = ' + str( self.n_sections) + '\n' output_string += 'number of radial sections = ' + str( self.n_sections) + '\n' output_string += 'number of sectional profiles = ' + str( self.n_sections) + '\n' output_string += 'description of sectional profiles = BNF\n' output_string += ' r/R c/D skew[deg]'\ ' rake/D P/D t/C'\ ' f/C\n' for i in range(self.n_sections): output_string += ' ' + str("%.8e" % self.radii[i]) + ' ' + str( "%.8e" % self.chord_lengths[i]) + ' ' + str( "%.8e" % self.skew_angles[i]) + ' ' + str( "%.8e" % self.rake[i]) output_string += ' ' + str("%.8e" % self.pitch[i]) + ' ' + str( "%.8e" % thickness[i]) + ' ' + str("%.8e" % camber[i]) + '\n' for i in range(self.n_sections): output_string += str("%.8e" % self.radii[i]) + ' ' + str( len(self.sections[i].xup_coordinates)) + '\n' for value in self.sections[i].xup_coordinates: output_string += ' ' + str("%.8e" % value) output_string += ' \n' for value in self.sections[i].yup_coordinates: output_string += ' ' + str("%.8e" % value) output_string += ' \n' for value in self.sections[i].ydown_coordinates: output_string += ' ' + str("%.8e" % value) output_string += ' \n' hub_offsets = np.asarray( [[-3.0, 0.305], [-0.57, 0.305], [-0.49, 0.305], [-0.41, 0.305], [-0.33, 0.305], [-0.25, 0.305], [-0.17, 0.305], [0.23, 0.305], [0.31, 0.285], [0.39, 0.2656], [0.47, 0.2432], [0.55, 0.2124], [0.63, 0.1684], [0.71, 0.108], [0.79, 0.0]]) output_string += 'number of Hub offsets = ' + str( len(hub_offsets)) + '\n' for i, offset in enumerate(hub_offsets): if i == len(hub_offsets) - 1: output_string += str("%.8e" % offset[0]) + ' ' + str( "%.8e" % hub_offsets[i][1]) continue output_string += str("%.8e" % offset[0]) + ' ' + str( "%.8e" % offset[1]) + '\n' with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(output_string) if params_normalized is False: # Revert back normalized parameters into actual values. self._norm_to_abs(D_prop=D_prop)
def __str__(self): """ This method prints all the parameters on the screen. Its purpose is for debugging. """ string = '' string += 'Blade number of sections = {}'.format(self.n_sections) string += '\nBlade radii sections = {}'.format(self.radii) string += '\nChord lengths of the sectional profiles'\ ' = {}'.format(self.chord_lengths) string += '\nRadial distribution of the pitch (in unit lengths)'\ ' = {}'.format(self.pitch) string += '\nRadial distribution of the rake (in unit length)'\ ' = {}'.format(self.rake) string += '\nRadial distribution of the skew angles'\ ' (in degrees) = {}'.format(self.skew_angles) string += '\nPitch angles (in radians) for the'\ ' sections = {}'.format(self.pitch_angles) string += '\nInduced rake from skew (in unit length)'\ ' for the sections = {}'.format(self.induced_rake) return string