07 Nonlinear level-set learning

Nonlinear level-set learning is a nonlinear techniques for parameter space dimensionality reduction. It deforms the input space in order to make the target function constant along the inactive directions. It makes use of the recently introduced RevNets, and construct a nonlinear bijective map.

To look more into the details of the procedure see the original work Learning nonlinear level sets for dimensionality reduction in function approximation. In this tutorial we are going to replicate some of the results of such paper, and compare them with the active subspaces technique.

Let's start by importing the classes we need to use. The only important thing here is to set the default type for the torch tensors.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch

from athena.active import ActiveSubspaces
from athena.nll import NonlinearLevelSet


As example let's consider a simple cubic function in 2D: $$ f(x_0, x_1) = x_0^3 + x_1^3 + 0.2 x_0 + 0.6 x_1. $$

We uniformly sample the parameter space $[0, 1]^2$ obtaining 300 samples.

In [2]:

# global parameters
n_train = 300
n_params = 2

x_np = np.random.uniform(size=(n_train, n_params))
f = x_np[:, 0]**3 + x_np[:, 1]**3 + 0.2 * x_np[:, 0] + 0.6 * x_np[:, 1]
df_np = np.empty((n_train, n_params))
df_np[:, 0] = 3.0*x_np[:, 0]**2 + 0.2
df_np[:, 1] = 3.0*x_np[:, 1]**2 + 0.6 

Active subspaces

Let's see how AS performs on such example. We can then compare the results with the application of the nonlinear level-set learning technique. The dimension of the active subspace is set to 1, and, since we have the exact gradients, we don't need to approximate them.

In [3]:
ss = ActiveSubspaces(1)
ss.fit(inputs=x_np, gradients=df_np)
In [4]:
ss.plot_eigenvalues(figsize=(6, 4))
In [5]:
ss.plot_sufficient_summary(x_np, f, figsize=(6, 4))

Nonlinear level-set learning

Now we train the reversible net to perform a nonlinear transformation of the input parameter space.

We create an instance of the NonlinearLevelSet class with the same active dimension as before and 10 layers. We also set the learning rate, the number of epochs, and the increment dh representating the "time step". The documentation of the class can be found here.

In [6]:
nll = NonlinearLevelSet(n_layers=10,

To train the net, we need to convert the numpy arrays into torch tensors. Note that only inputs and gradients are needed for the train.

The class NonlinearLevelSet allows also an interactive mode for which the plots of the loss function and sufficient summary are updated every 10 epochs. Here in the notebook we set interactive=False to not overload the kernel. You can set it to True in your local machine providing also che outputs in numpy format (refer to the documentation for more details).

In [7]:
x_torch = torch.as_tensor(x_np, dtype=torch.double)
df_torch = torch.as_tensor(df_np, dtype=torch.double)
In [8]:
epoch = 0, loss = 0.9678462328712224
epoch = 10, loss = 0.9568505024736955
epoch = 20, loss = 0.9462951050140015
epoch = 30, loss = 0.9361226988977548
epoch = 40, loss = 0.926276649514911
epoch = 50, loss = 0.9167014505150889
epoch = 60, loss = 0.9073428799421908
epoch = 70, loss = 0.8981479408337191
epoch = 80, loss = 0.889064630470931
epoch = 90, loss = 0.8800415743201602
epoch = 100, loss = 0.8710275515789376
epoch = 110, loss = 0.8619709302437716
epoch = 120, loss = 0.8528190213392572
epoch = 130, loss = 0.8435173546544197
epoch = 140, loss = 0.8340088720600786
epoch = 150, loss = 0.8242330292131854
epoch = 160, loss = 0.8141247921846829
epoch = 170, loss = 0.8036135124098487
epoch = 180, loss = 0.7926216617491052
epoch = 190, loss = 0.781063410192353
epoch = 200, loss = 0.7688430333923106
epoch = 210, loss = 0.7558531485100562
epoch = 220, loss = 0.7419727994500563
epoch = 230, loss = 0.7270654542669791
epoch = 240, loss = 0.7109770512630016
epoch = 250, loss = 0.6935343572059676
epoch = 260, loss = 0.6745441152789615
epoch = 270, loss = 0.6537938155333749
epoch = 280, loss = 0.6310554981794111
epoch = 290, loss = 0.6060949146540193
epoch = 300, loss = 0.5786897602515761
epoch = 310, loss = 0.5486626476230011
epoch = 320, loss = 0.5159368296584431
epoch = 330, loss = 0.48062429392592404
epoch = 340, loss = 0.44315311304355126
epoch = 350, loss = 0.40442459651272633
epoch = 360, loss = 0.36594325232056196
epoch = 370, loss = 0.32977091970245787
epoch = 380, loss = 0.29808473898051685
epoch = 390, loss = 0.27231308435567264
epoch = 400, loss = 0.2524166607685414
epoch = 410, loss = 0.23708007439565293
epoch = 420, loss = 0.22462783289107102
epoch = 430, loss = 0.21375403353999556
epoch = 440, loss = 0.20369486277971818
epoch = 450, loss = 0.1940913556596814
epoch = 460, loss = 0.18481286580679382
epoch = 470, loss = 0.17583760837052312
epoch = 480, loss = 0.16719009409036242
epoch = 490, loss = 0.15891322520661993
epoch = 500, loss = 0.1510570234001372
epoch = 510, loss = 0.14367365268822646
epoch = 520, loss = 0.13681382329352443
epoch = 530, loss = 0.13052269661502222
epoch = 540, loss = 0.12483501720255323
epoch = 550, loss = 0.11977011363674187
epoch = 560, loss = 0.11532792302836233
epoch = 570, loss = 0.11148726324533745
epoch = 580, loss = 0.10820711174197951
epoch = 590, loss = 0.10543077595074944
epoch = 600, loss = 0.10309195503470113
epoch = 610, loss = 0.10112123311500297
epoch = 620, loss = 0.09945167914129059
epoch = 630, loss = 0.09802277815118911
epoch = 640, loss = 0.09678254301498575
epoch = 650, loss = 0.09568809838758703
epoch = 660, loss = 0.09470521529719866
epoch = 670, loss = 0.09380726452011678
epoch = 680, loss = 0.09297394847655911
epoch = 690, loss = 0.09219004287592349
epoch = 700, loss = 0.09144427168158718
epoch = 710, loss = 0.09072836433530812
epoch = 720, loss = 0.09003629958795174
epoch = 730, loss = 0.0893637176040752
epoch = 740, loss = 0.08870747321958873
epoch = 750, loss = 0.08806530221859533
epoch = 760, loss = 0.08743557525625661
epoch = 770, loss = 0.08681711820374143
epoch = 780, loss = 0.08620908198777992
epoch = 790, loss = 0.08561084884332498
epoch = 800, loss = 0.085021965095181
epoch = 810, loss = 0.08444209312525097
epoch = 820, loss = 0.08387097713514685
epoch = 830, loss = 0.08330841878479757
epoch = 840, loss = 0.08275425987906072
epoch = 850, loss = 0.0822083700713687
epoch = 860, loss = 0.08167063813362856
epoch = 870, loss = 0.08114096575909639
epoch = 880, loss = 0.08061926316313218
epoch = 890, loss = 0.0801054459619752
epoch = 900, loss = 0.07959943295941588
epoch = 910, loss = 0.07910114458103508
epoch = 920, loss = 0.07861050176974023
epoch = 930, loss = 0.07812742521326978
epoch = 940, loss = 0.07765183480916993
epoch = 950, loss = 0.07718364930139829
epoch = 960, loss = 0.07672278604272172
epoch = 970, loss = 0.07626916084751521
epoch = 980, loss = 0.07582268791220304
epoch = 990, loss = 0.0753832797849598
epoch = 999, loss = 0.07499377927937291

Now we can plot the loss function decay and compare the sufficient summary plots obtained with NLL and AS. We can clearly see how the NLL outperforms AS, with almost a perfect alignment of the data. AS, instead, presented a more scattered configuration.

In [9]:
nll.plot_loss(figsize=(6, 4))
In [10]:
nll.plot_sufficient_summary(x_torch, f, figsize=(6, 4))

Let's define the following utility function to plot a grid representation of the 2D parameter space, before and after the nonlinear deformation found by the net.

In [11]:
def gridplot(grid_np, Nx=64, Ny=64, color='black', **kwargs):
    grid_1 = grid_np[:, 0].reshape(1, 1, Nx, Ny)
    grid_2 = grid_np[:, 1].reshape(1, 1, Nx, Ny)
    u = np.concatenate((grid_1, grid_2), axis=1)
    # downsample displacements
    h = np.copy(u[0, :, ::u.shape[2]//Nx, ::u.shape[3]//Ny])
    # now reset to actual Nx Ny that we achieved
    Nx = h.shape[1]
    Ny = h.shape[2]
    # adjust displacements for downsampling
    h[0, ...] /= float(u.shape[2])/Nx
    h[1, ...] /= float(u.shape[3])/Ny
    # put back into original index space
    h[0, ...] *= float(u.shape[2])/Nx
    h[1, ...] *= float(u.shape[3])/Ny
    plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
    # create a meshgrid of locations
    for i in range(Nx):
        plt.plot(h[0, i, :], h[1, i, :], color=color, **kwargs)
    for i in range(Ny):
        plt.plot(h[0, :, i], h[1, :, i], color=color, **kwargs)
    for ix, xn in zip([0, -1], ['B', 'T']):
        for iy, yn in zip([0, -1], ['L', 'R']):
            plt.plot(h[0, ix, iy], h[1, ix, iy], 'o', label='({xn},{yn})'.format(xn=xn, yn=yn))

As an example we create a 8x8 grid.

In [12]:
xx = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=8)
yy = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=8)
xxx, yyy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
mesh = np.concatenate((np.reshape(xxx, (8**2, 1)), np.reshape(yyy, (8**2, 1))), axis=1)
In [13]:
gridplot(mesh, Nx=8, Ny=8)

To plot the final nonlinear deformation of the parameter space, we need to feed the grid to the trained net.

In [14]:
grid_torch = nll.forward(torch.from_numpy(mesh))
grid_np = grid_torch.detach().numpy()
gridplot(grid_np, Nx=8, Ny=8)


Try to play with the number of layers, the learning rate, and the time step. See how it performs for more complex examples, especially for those where AS struggles.