"""Utility functions module.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import linprog
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
[docs]class Normalizer():
"""A class for normalizing and unnormalizing bounded inputs.
:param numpy.ndarray lb: array n_params-by-1 that contains lower bounds
on the simulation inputs.
:param numpy.ndarray ub: array n_params-by-1 that contains upper bounds
on the simulation inputs.
def __init__(self, lb, ub):
self.lb = lb
self.ub = ub
[docs]def initialize_weights(matrix):
Inizialize uniform weights for simple Monte Carlo method or linear regression in
local linear gradients.
:param numpy.ndarray matrix: matrix which shape[0] value contains the
dimension of the weights to be computed.
:return: weights
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return np.ones((matrix.shape[0], 1)) / matrix.shape[0]
[docs]def linear_program_ineq(c, A, b):
"""Solves an equality constrained linear program with variable bounds.
This method returns the minimizer of the following linear program.
minimize c^T x
subject to A x >= b
:param numpy.ndarray c: coefficients vector of the linear objective
function to be minimized.
:param numpy.ndarray A: 2-D array which, when matrix-multiplied by x,
gives the values of the lower-bound inequality constraints at x.
:param numpy.ndarray b: 1-D array of values representing the lower-bound
of each inequality constraint (row) in A.
:return: the independent variable vector which minimizes the linear
programming problem.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
:raises: RuntimeError
c = c.reshape(-1, )
b = b.reshape(-1, )
# make unbounded bounds
bounds = [(None, None) for _ in range(c.shape[0])]
res = linprog(c=c, A_ub=-A, b_ub=-b, bounds=bounds)
if res.success:
return res.x.reshape(-1, 1)
raise RuntimeError(f'Scipy did not solve the LP. {res.message}')
[docs]def local_linear_gradients(inputs, outputs, weights=None, n_neighbors=None):
"""Estimate a collection of gradients from input/output pairs.
Given a set of input/output pairs, choose subsets of neighboring points and
build a local linear model for each subset. The gradients of these local
linear models comprise estimates of sampled gradients.
:param numpy.ndarray inputs:
M-by-m matrix that contains the m-dimensional inputs
:param numpy.ndarray outputs:
M-by-1 matrix that contains scalar outputs
:param numpy.ndarray weights:
M-by-1 matrix that contains the weights for each observation (default
:param int n_neighbors:
how many nearest neighbors to use when constructing the local linear
model. the default value is floor(1.7*m)
:return: M-by-m matrix that contains estimated partial derivatives approximated
by the local linear models; the corresponding new inputs
:rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray
:raises: ValueError, TypeError
n_samples, n_pars = inputs.shape
if n_samples <= n_pars:
raise ValueError('Not enough samples for local linear models.')
if n_neighbors is None:
n_neighbors = int(min(np.floor(1.7 * n_pars), n_samples))
elif not isinstance(n_neighbors, int):
raise TypeError(f'n_neighbors ({n_neighbors}) must be an integer.')
if n_neighbors <= n_pars or n_neighbors > n_samples:
raise ValueError(
f'n_neighbors must be between the number of parameters and the number of samples. Unsatisfied: {n_pars} < {n_neighbors} < {n_samples}.'
if weights is None:
weights = initialize_weights(inputs)
MM = min(int(np.ceil(10 * n_pars * np.log(n_pars))), n_samples - 1)
# distinguish between scalar and vectorial outputs
if len(outputs.shape) == 1 or outputs.shape[1] == 1:
gradients = np.zeros((MM, n_pars))
gradients = np.zeros((MM, outputs.shape[1], n_pars))
# new inputs are defined since MM is different from n_samples
new_inputs = np.zeros((MM, n_pars))
for i in range(MM):
ii = np.random.randint(n_samples)
inputs_rand_row = inputs[ii, :]
D2 = np.sum((inputs - inputs_rand_row)**2, axis=1)
ind = np.argsort(D2)
ind = ind[D2 != 0]
A = np.hstack((np.ones(
(n_neighbors, 1)), inputs[ind[:n_neighbors], :])) * np.sqrt(
b = outputs[ind[:n_neighbors]] * np.sqrt(weights[ii])
u = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None)[0]
gradients[i] = u[1:].T
new_inputs[i, :] = (1 / n_neighbors) * np.sum(
inputs[ind[:n_neighbors], :], axis=0)
return gradients, new_inputs
[docs]def sort_eigpairs(evals, evects):
"""Sort eigenpairs.
:param numpy.ndarray evals: eigenvalues.
:param numpy.ndarray evects: eigenvectors.
:return: vector of sorted eigenvalues; orthogonal matrix of corresponding
:rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray
.. note::
Eigenvectors are unique up to a sign. We make the choice to normalize
the eigenvectors so that the first component of each eigenvector is
positive. This normalization is very helpful for the bootstrapping.
evals = abs(evals)
ind = np.argsort(evals)
evals = evals[ind[::-1]]
evects = evects[:, ind[::-1]]
s = np.sign(evects[0, :])
s[s == 0] = 1
evects *= s
return evals, evects
[docs]class CrossValidation():
Class to perform k-fold cross validation when tuning hyperparameters for the
design of a response surface with ActiveSubspaces or KernelActiveSubspaces.
Used in particular during the tuning of the parameters of the spectral
distribution of the feature map, inside the object function average_rrmse.
default score is the relative root mean square error (rrmse).
:param numpy.ndarray inputs: n_samples-by-input_dim input matrix.
:param numpy.ndarray outputs: n_sample-by-output_dim output matrix.
:param numpy.ndarray gradients: n_samples-by-output_dim-by-input_dim
gradients matrix.
:param `Subspaces` subspace: ActiveSubspace or KernelActiveSubspace object,
from which evaluate the response surface. The dimension of the response
surface is specified in subspace.dim attribute.
:param int folds: number of folds of the cross-validation procedure.
:param dict kwargs: additional paramters organized in a dictionary to pass
to subspace.fit method. For example 'weights' or 'metric'.
:cvar `sklearn.gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor` gp: Gaussian
process of the response surface built with scikit-learn.
def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, gradients, subspace, folds=5, **kwargs):
if any(v is None for v in [inputs, outputs, gradients, subspace]):
raise ValueError(
'Any among inputs, outputs, gradients, subspace is None.')
self.inputs = inputs
self.outputs = outputs
self.gradients = gradients
self.ss = subspace
self.folds = folds
self.gp = None
self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def run(self):
Run the k-fold cross validation procedure. In each fold a fit and an
evaluation of the score are compute.
:return: mean and standard deviation of the scores.
:rtype: list of two numpy.ndarray.
mask = np.arange(self.inputs.shape[0])
scores = np.zeros((self.folds))
s_mask = np.array_split(mask, self.folds)
for i in range(self.folds):
v_mask = s_mask[i]
validation = (self.inputs[v_mask, :], self.outputs[v_mask, :])
t_mask = ~v_mask
self.fit(self.inputs[t_mask, :], self.gradients[t_mask, :, :],
self.outputs[t_mask, :])
scores[i] = self.scorer(validation[0], validation[1])
return scores.mean(), scores.std()
[docs] def fit(self, inputs, gradients, outputs):
Uses Gaussian process regression to build the response surface as a side
effect. The dimension of the response surface is specified in the
attribute self.ss.dim.
:param numpy.ndarray inputs: n_samples-by-input_dim input matrix.
:param numpy.ndarray outputs: n_sample-by-output_dim output matrix.
:param numpy.ndarray gradients: n_samples-by-output_dim-by-input_dim
gradients matrix.
y = self.ss.transform(inputs)[0]
self.gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(n_restarts_optimizer=15)
self.gp.fit(y, np.atleast_2d(outputs))
[docs] def predict(self, inputs):
Predict method of cross-validation.
:param numpy.ndarray inputs: n_samples-by-input_dim input matrix.
:return: n_samples-by-dim prediction of the surrogate response surface
model at the inputs. The value dim corresponds to self.ss.dim.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
x_test = self.ss.transform(inputs)[0]
return self.gp.predict(np.atleast_2d(x_test), return_std=False)
[docs] def scorer(self, inputs, outputs):
Score function of cross-validation.
:param numpy.ndarray inputs: n_samples-by-input_dim input matrix.
:param numpy.ndarray outputs: n_sample-by-output_dim output matrix.
:return: relative root mean square error between inputs and outputs.
:rtype: np.float64
y = self.predict(inputs)
return rrmse(y, outputs)
[docs]def rrmse(predictions, targets):
Evaluates the relative root mean square error. It can be vectorized for
multidimensional predictions and targets.
:param numpy.ndarray predictions: predictions input.
:param numpy.ndarray targets: targets input.
:return: relative root mean squared error
:rtype: np.float64
n_samples = predictions.shape[0]
if n_samples != targets.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Predictions and targets differ in number of samples.')
t = np.atleast_2d(targets).reshape(n_samples, -1)
p = np.atleast_2d(predictions).reshape(n_samples, -1)
std_deviation = np.linalg.norm(t - np.mean(t, axis=0).reshape(1, -1))
return np.linalg.norm(p - t) / std_deviation
[docs]def average_rrmse(hyperparams, best, csv, verbose=False, resample=5):
Objective function to be optimized during the tuning process of the method
:func:`~athena.FeatureMap.tune_pr_matrix`. The optimal hyperparameters of the
spectral distribution are searched for in a domain logarithmically scaled in
base 10. For each call of :func:`~athena.utils.average_rrmse` by the
optimizer, the same hyperparameter is tested in two nested procedures: in
the external procedure the projection matrix is resampled a number of times
specified by the resample parameter; in the internal procedure the relative
root mean squared error (:func:`~athena.utils.rrmse`) is evaluated as the
k-fold mean of a k-fold cross-validation procedure. The score of a single
fold of this cross-validation procedure is the rrmse on the validation set
of the predictions of the response surface built with a Subspace object on
the training set.
:param list hyperparameters: logarithm of the parameter of the spectral
distribution passed to average_rrmse by the optimizer.
:param 'CrossValidation' csv: CrossValidation object which contains the
same Subspace object and the inputs, outputs, gradients datasets. The
:param list best: list that records the best score and the best
projection matrix. The initial values are 0.8 and a
n_features-by-input_dim numpy.ndarray of zeros.
:param int resample: number of times the projection matrix is resampled
from the same spectral distribution with the same hyperparameter.
:param bool verbose: True to print the score for each resample.
:return: minumum of the scores evaluated for the same hyperparameter and
a specified number of resamples of the projection matrix.
:rtype: numpy.float64
if not isinstance(csv, CrossValidation):
raise ValueError(
"The argument csv must be of type athena.utils.CrossValidation")
if len(hyperparams.shape) > 1:
hyperparams = np.squeeze(hyperparams)
if len(hyperparams.shape) == 0:
hyperparams = np.array([hyperparams])
# compute the real hyperparameters
hyperparams = 10**hyperparams
# list of scores for the same hyperparameters but different samples
# of the projection matrix
score_records = []
#set the hyperparameters
csv.ss.feature_map.params = hyperparams
if verbose is True:
print("#" * 80)
for _ in range(resample):
# compute the score with cross validation for the sampled projection
# matrix
mean, std = csv.run()
# save the best parameters
if verbose is True:
print(f"params {hyperparams} mean {mean}, std {std}")
# skip resampling from the same hyperparam if the error is not below
# the treshold 0.8
if mean > 0.8:
if mean <= best[0]:
best[0] = mean
best[1] = csv.ss.feature_map.pr_matrix
# set _pr_matrix to None so that csv.ss.feature_map.compute_fmap
# and csv.ss.feature_map.compute_fmap_jac resample the projection matrix
# for the same hyperparams
csv.ss.feature_map._pr_matrix = None
return min(score_records)