Source code for athena.subspaces

Base module for Active Subspaces and Kernel-based Active Subspaces.


    - Paul Constantine. Active subspaces: Emerging ideas for dimension
      reduction in parameter studies, vol. 2 of SIAM Spotlights, SIAM, 2015.

    - Francesco Romor, Marco Tezzele, Andrea Lario, Gianluigi Rozza.
      Kernel-based Active Subspaces with application to CFD problems using
      Discontinuous Galerkin Method. 2020.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.utils.extmath import randomized_svd
from .utils import sort_eigpairs
import itertools
import operator

plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})

[docs]class Subspaces(): """Active Subspaces base class :param dim: The dimension of the active subspace. If 0, the method computes the spectral gap and uses it for truncation; if positive interger, the method uses the `dim` argument for the truncation; if float between 0 and 1, a truncation with retained energy.The `dim` parameter is available using all the available methods. :param str method: method to compute the AS. Possible choices are 'exact' when the gradients are provided, or 'local' to use local linear models. This approach is related to the sufficient dimension reduction method known sometimes as the outer product of gradient method. See the 2001 paper 'Structure adaptive approach for dimension reduction' from Hristache, et al. :param int n_boot: number of bootstrap samples. Default is 100. """ def __init__(self, dim, method='exact', n_boot=100): self.dim = dim self.method = method self.n_boot = n_boot self.W1 = None self.W2 = None self.evals = None self.evects = None self.evals_br = None self.subs_br = None
[docs] def _build_decompose_cov_matrix(self, gradients=None, weights=None, metric=None): """ Build and decompose the covariance matrix of the gradients. :param numpy.ndarray gradients: n_samples-by-n_params matrix containing the gradient samples oriented as rows. :param numpy.ndarray weights: n_samples-by-1 weight vector, corresponds to numerical quadrature rule used to estimate matrix whose eigenspaces define the active subspace. :param numpy.ndarray metric: metric matrix output_dim-by-output-dim for vectorial active subspaces. :return: the sorted eigenvalues, and the corresponding eigenvectors. :rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray """ if self.method not in ['exact', 'local']: return if metric is not None: cov_matrix = np.array( np.sum([ weights[i, 0] *[i, :, :].T,, gradients[i, :, :])) for i in range(gradients.shape[0]) ], axis=0)) evals, evects = sort_eigpairs(*np.linalg.eigh(cov_matrix)) return np.squeeze(evals), evects X = np.squeeze(gradients * np.sqrt(weights).reshape(-1, 1)) n_samples, n_pars = X.shape if self._check_rsvd(n_samples, n_pars, self.dim): singular, evects = randomized_svd(M=X, n_components=self.dim, n_oversamples=10, n_iter='auto', power_iteration_normalizer='auto', transpose='auto')[1:] else: singular, evects = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)[1:] evals = singular**2 evals, evects = sort_eigpairs(evals, evects) return evals, evects.T
[docs] def _compute_bootstrap_ranges(self, gradients, weights, metric=None): """Compute bootstrap ranges for eigenvalues and subspaces. An implementation of the nonparametric bootstrap that we use in conjunction with the subspace estimation methods to estimate the errors in the eigenvalues and subspaces. :param numpy.ndarray gradients: n_samples-by-n_params matrix containing the gradient samples oriented as rows. :param numpy.ndarray weights: n_samples-by-1 weight vector, corresponds to numerical quadrature rule used to estimate matrix whose eigenspaces define the active subspace. :param numpy.ndarray metric: metric matrix output_dim-by-output-dim for vectorial active subspaces. :return: array e_br is a m-by-2 matrix, first column contains bootstrap lower bound on eigenvalues, second column contains bootstrap upper bound on eigenvalues; array sub_br is a (m-1)-by-3 matrix, first column contains bootstrap lower bound on estimated subspace error, second column contains estimated mean of subspace error (a reasonable subspace error estimate), third column contains estimated upper bound on subspace error. :rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray """ n_pars = gradients.shape[-1] n_samples = gradients.shape[0] # randomized_svd is not implemented for vectorial as yet if len(gradients.shape) == 2: if self._check_rsvd(n_samples, n_pars, self.dim): range_dim = self.dim else: range_dim = min(n_pars, n_samples) else: range_dim = n_pars e_boot = np.zeros((range_dim, self.n_boot)) sub_dist = np.zeros((range_dim - 1, self.n_boot)) for i in range(self.n_boot): gradients0, weights0 = self._bootstrap_replicate(gradients, weights) e0, W0 = self._build_decompose_cov_matrix(gradients=gradients0, weights=weights0, metric=metric) e_boot[:, i] = e0 for j in range(range_dim - 1): range_diff =[:, :j + 1].T, W0[:, j + 1:]) sub_dist[j, i] = np.linalg.norm(range_diff, ord=2) # bootstrap ranges for the eigenvalues self.evals_br = np.hstack((np.amin(e_boot, axis=1).reshape( (range_dim, 1)), np.amax(e_boot, axis=1).reshape((range_dim, 1)))) # bootstrap ranges and mean for subspace distance self.subs_br = np.hstack((np.amin(sub_dist, axis=1).reshape( (range_dim - 1, 1)), np.mean(sub_dist, axis=1).reshape( (range_dim - 1, 1)), np.amax(sub_dist, axis=1).reshape( (range_dim - 1, 1))))
[docs] @staticmethod def _bootstrap_replicate(matrix, weights): """ Return a bootstrap replicate. A bootstrap replicate is a sampling-with-replacement strategy from a given data set. :param numpy.ndarray matrix: matrix from which will be sampled N rows. N corresponds to the number of rows of weights. :param numpy.ndarray weights: n_samples-by-1 weight vector, corresponds to numerical quadrature rule used to estimate matrix whose eigenspaces define the active subspace. """ ind = np.random.randint(weights.shape[0], size=(weights.shape[0], )) # matrix has shape 2 if the outputs are scalar and shape 3 if they are # vectorial. if len(matrix.shape) == 2: return matrix[ind, :].copy(), weights[ind, :].copy() elif len(matrix.shape) == 3: return matrix[ind, :, :].copy(), weights[ind, :].copy() return None, None
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Abstract method to compute the active subspaces. Not implemented, it has to be implemented in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError( f'Subclass must implement abstract method {self.__class__.__name__}.fit' )
[docs] def transform(self, inputs): """ Abstract method to map full variables to active and inactive variables. Points in the original input space are mapped to the active and inactive subspace. :param numpy.ndarray inputs: array n_samples-by-n_params containing the points in the original parameter space. :return: array n_samples-by-active_dim containing the mapped active variables; array n_samples-by-inactive_dim containing the mapped inactive variables. :rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray """ raise NotImplementedError( f'Subclass must implement abstract method {self.__class__.__name__}.transform' )
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, reduced_inputs, n_points): """ Abstract method to find points in full space that map to reduced variable points. Not implemented, it has to be implemented in subclasses. :param numpy.ndarray reduced_inputs: n_samples-by-n_params matrix that contains points in the space of active variables. :param int n_points: the number of points in the original parameter space that are returned that map to the given active variables. """ raise NotImplementedError( f'Subclass must implement abstract method {self.__class__.__name__}.inverse_transform' )
[docs] def _partition(self): """ Partition the eigenvectors to define the active and inactive subspaces. :raises: TypeError, ValueError """ self.dim = self._set_dim() if not isinstance(self.dim, int): raise TypeError('dim should be an integer.') if self.dim < 0 or self.dim > self.evects.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f'dim must be positive and less than the dimension of the eigenvectors: dim = {self.dim}.' ) # allow evaluation of active eigenvectors only if self.evects.shape[1] < self.evects.shape[0]: self.W1 = self.evects[:, :self.dim] self.W2 = None elif self.evects.shape[1] == self.evects.shape[0]: self.W1 = self.evects[:, :self.dim] self.W2 = self.evects[:, self.dim:] else: raise ValueError( f'the eigenvectors cannot have dimension less than dim = {self.dim}.' )
[docs] def _set_dim(self): """ Set the active subspace dimension based on the spectral gap if self.dim is 0, residual energy if 0<self.dim<1 or manual set of AS dimension if self.dim>=1. :raises: ValueError """ # spectral gap if isinstance(self.dim, int) and self.dim == 0: dim = self._set_dim_spectral_gap() elif self.dim > 0 and self.dim < 1: dim = self._set_dim_residual_energy() elif isinstance(self.dim, int) and self.dim >= 1: dim = self.dim else: raise ValueError( f"The parameter `dim`={self.dim} has not a valid value.") return dim
[docs] def _set_dim_spectral_gap(self): """ Set the active subspace dimension based on the highest spectral gap of the ordered eigenvalues. :raises: ValueError """ if self.evals is None: raise ValueError( 'The method fit has to be called first in order to compute the eigenvalues.' ) spectral_gap_index = np.argmax(self.evals[:-1] - self.evals[1:]) return int(spectral_gap_index + 1)
[docs] def _set_dim_residual_energy(self, tol=0.99): """ Set the active subspace dimension based on the residual energy normalized to 1: the normalized sum of the eigenvalues corresponding to the active components will be lower than tol. :param float tol: threshold for the residual energy. :raises: TypeError, ValueError """ if self.evals is None: raise ValueError( 'The method fit has to be called first in order to compute the eigenvalues.' ) cumulative_energy = np.cumsum(self.evals**2 / (self.evals**2).sum()) return np.searchsorted(cumulative_energy, tol)
[docs] def _check_rsvd(self, n_samples, n_pars, dim): """ Check if random svd is to be applied.""" if isinstance(dim, int) and dim > 0: # computational complexity of svd and random svd svd_complexity = n_samples * n_pars * dim rsvd_complexity = n_samples * n_pars * np.log(dim) + ( n_samples + n_pars) * dim**2 return svd_complexity > rsvd_complexity and (n_samples > 10000 or n_pars > 10000) else: return False
[docs] def plot_eigenvalues(self, n_evals=None, filename=None, figsize=(8, 8), title=''): """ Plot the eigenvalues. :param int n_evals: number of eigenvalues to plot. If not provided all the eigenvalues will be plotted. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: tuple in inches defining the figure size. Default is (8, 8). :param str title: title of the plot. :raises: TypeError .. warning:: `` has to be called in advance. """ if self.evals is None: raise TypeError('The eigenvalues have not been computed.' 'You have to perform the fit method.') if n_evals is None: n_evals = self.evals.shape[0] if n_evals > self.evals.shape[0]: raise TypeError('Invalid number of eigenvalues to plot.') plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.title(title) if np.amin(self.evals[:n_evals]) == 0: plt.semilogy(range(1, n_evals + 1), self.evals[:n_evals] + np.finfo(float).eps, 'ko-', markersize=8, linewidth=2) else: plt.semilogy(range(1, n_evals + 1), self.evals[:n_evals], 'ko-', markersize=8, linewidth=2) plt.xticks(range(1, n_evals + 1)) plt.xlabel('Index') plt.ylabel('Eigenvalues') if self.evals_br is None: plt.axis([ 0, n_evals + 1, 0.1 * np.amin(self.evals[:n_evals]), 10 * np.amax(self.evals[:n_evals]) ]) else: if np.amin(self.evals[:n_evals]) == 0: plt.fill_between( range(1, n_evals + 1), self.evals_br[:n_evals, 0] * (1 + np.finfo(float).eps), self.evals_br[:n_evals, 1] * (1 + np.finfo(float).eps), facecolor='0.7', interpolate=True) else: plt.fill_between(range(1, n_evals + 1), self.evals_br[:n_evals, 0], self.evals_br[:n_evals, 1], facecolor='0.7', interpolate=True) plt.axis([ 0, n_evals + 1, 0.1 * np.amin(self.evals_br[:n_evals, 0]), 10 * np.amax(self.evals_br[:n_evals, 1]) ]) plt.grid(linestyle='dotted') plt.tight_layout() if filename: plt.savefig(filename) else:
[docs] def plot_eigenvectors(self, n_evects=None, filename=None, figsize=None, labels=None, title=''): """ Plot the eigenvectors. :param int n_evects: number of eigenvectors to plot. Default is self.dim. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: tuple in inches defining the figure size. Default is (8, 2 * n_evects). :param str labels: labels for the components of the eigenvectors. :param str title: title of the plot. :raises: ValueError, TypeError .. warning:: `` has to be called in advance. """ if self.evects is None: raise TypeError('The eigenvectors have not been computed.' 'You have to perform the fit method.') if n_evects is None: n_evects = self.dim if n_evects > self.evects.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Invalid number of eigenvectors to plot.') if figsize is None: figsize = (8, 2 * n_evects) n_pars = self.evects.shape[0] fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_evects, 1, figsize=figsize) fig.suptitle(title) # to ensure generality for subplots (1, 1) axes = np.array(axes) for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat): ax.scatter(range(1, n_pars + 1), self.evects[:n_pars + 1, i], c='blue', s=60, alpha=0.9, edgecolors='k') ax.axhline(linewidth=0.7, color='black') ax.set_xticks(range(1, n_pars + 1)) if labels: ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.set_ylabel(f'Active eigenvector {i + 1}') ax.grid(linestyle='dotted') ax.axis([0, n_pars + 1, -1 - 0.1, 1 + 0.1]) axes.flat[-1].set_xlabel('Eigenvector components') fig.tight_layout() # tight_layout does not consider suptitle so we adjust it manually plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.94) if filename: plt.savefig(filename) else:
[docs] def plot_sufficient_summary(self, inputs, outputs, filename=None, figsize=(10, 8), title=''): """ Plot the sufficient summary. :param numpy.ndarray inputs: array n_samples-by-n_params containing the points in the full input space. :param numpy.ndarray outputs: array n_samples-by-1 containing the corresponding function evaluations. :param str filename: if specified, the plot is saved at `filename`. :param tuple(int,int) figsize: tuple in inches defining the figure size. Defaults to (10, 8). :param str title: title of the plot. :raises: ValueError, TypeError .. warning:: `` has to be called in advance. Plot only available for partitions up to dimension 2. """ if self.evects is None: raise TypeError('The eigenvectors have not been computed.' 'You have to perform the fit method.') plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.title(title) if self.dim == 1: plt.scatter(self.transform(inputs)[0], outputs, c='blue', s=40, alpha=0.9, edgecolors='k') plt.xlabel('Active variable ' + r'$W_1^T \mathbf{\mu}}$', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r'$f \, (\mathbf{\mu})$', fontsize=18) elif self.dim == 2: x = self.transform(inputs)[0] plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=outputs.reshape(-1), s=60, alpha=0.9, edgecolors='k', vmin=np.min(outputs), vmax=np.max(outputs)) plt.xlabel('First active variable', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Second active variable', fontsize=18) ymin = 1.1 * np.amin([np.amin(x[:, 0]), np.amin(x[:, 1])]) ymax = 1.1 * np.amax([np.amax(x[:, 0]), np.amax(x[:, 1])]) plt.axis('equal') plt.axis([ymin, ymax, ymin, ymax]) plt.colorbar() else: raise ValueError( 'Sufficient summary plots cannot be made in more than 2 ' 'dimensions.') plt.grid(linestyle='dotted') plt.tight_layout() if filename: plt.savefig(filename) else: