Module for the factory class for projection matrices
import numpy as np
class classproperty():
Custom decorator.
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
self.__doc__ = f.__doc__
self.__name__ = f.__name__
def __get__(self, obj, owner):
return self.f(owner)
[docs]class ProjectionFactory():
Factory class that spawns projection matrices.
>>> from athena import ProjectionFactory
>>> import numpy as np
>>> input_dim = 2
>>> n_features = 40
>>> params = [1.1, 2.9]
>>> for pname in ProjectionFactory.projections:
>>> y = ProjectionFactory(pname)(input_dim, n_features, params)
[docs] @staticmethod
def beta(input_dim, n_features, params):
Beta distribution
:param int input_dim: dimension of the inputs.
:param int n_features: dimension of the RKHS.
:param list params: the two parameters are the alpha and beta
shape parameters respectively.
:return: n_features-by-input_dim projection matrix.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray.
return np.random.beta(params[0], params[1], (n_features, input_dim))
[docs] @staticmethod
def cauchy(input_dim, n_features, params):
Cauchy distribution
:param int input_dim: dimension of the inputs.
:param int n_features: dimension of the RKHS.
:param list params: the single parameter is a scale factor.
:return: n_features-by-input_dim projection matrix.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray.
return (1 / params[0]) * np.random.standard_cauchy(
(n_features, input_dim))
[docs] @staticmethod
def dirichlet(input_dim, n_features, params):
Dirichlet distribution
:param int input_dim: dimension of the inputs.
:param int n_features: dimension of the RKHS.
:param list params: the single parameter is a scale to the input_dim
dimensional shape parameter.
:return: n_features-by-input_dim projection matrix.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray.
return np.random.dirichlet(params[0] * np.ones(input_dim), n_features)
[docs] @staticmethod
def laplace(input_dim, n_features, params):
Laplace distribution
:param int input_dim: dimension of the inputs.
:param int n_features: dimension of the RKHS.
:param list params: the single parameter is the scale of the
distribution, the mean is set to 0.
:return: n_features-by-input_dim projection matrix.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray.
return np.random.laplace(0, params[0], (n_features, input_dim))
[docs] @staticmethod
def multivariate_normal(input_dim, n_features, params):
Multivariate normal distribution
:param int input_dim: dimension of the inputs.
:param int n_features: dimension of the RKHS.
:param list params: the input_dim dimensioanl parameters are the
diagonal of the covariance matrix of the distribution. The mean is set
to the 0 vector.
:return: n_features-by-input_dim projection matrix.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray.
return np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(input_dim),
np.diag(params), n_features)
[docs] @staticmethod
def normal(input_dim, n_features, params):
Normal distribution
:param int input_dim: dimension of the inputs.
:param int n_features: dimension of the RKHS.
:param list params: the single parameter is the variance of the
distribution. The mean is set to 0.
:return: n_features-by-input_dim projection matrix.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray.
return np.random.normal(0, params[0], (n_features, input_dim))
## ##
## PROJECTION FUNCTION dictionary ##
## ##
## New implementations must be added here. ##
## ##
__projections = {
'beta': beta.__func__,
'cauchy': cauchy.__func__,
'dirichlet': dirichlet.__func__,
'laplace': laplace.__func__,
'multivariate_normal': multivariate_normal.__func__,
'normal': normal.__func__,
'uniform': uniform.__func__
[docs] def __new__(cls, fname):
# to make the str callable we have to use a dictionary with all the
# implemented projection matrices
if fname in cls.projections:
return cls.__projections[fname]
raise NameError(
"""The name of the projection matrix is not correct or not
implemented. Check the documentation for all the available
def projections(self):
The available projection matrices.
:return: the list of all the available projection matrices.
:rtype: list
return list(self.__projections.keys())