Module for the feature map class
- Francesco Romor, Marco Tezzele, Andrea Lario, Gianluigi Rozza.
Kernel-based active subspaces with application to computational fluid
dynamics parametric problems using discontinuous Galerkin method.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
123(23):6000–6027, 2022. doi:10.1002/nme.7099
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brute, dual_annealing
import GPyOpt
from .projection_factory import ProjectionFactory
[docs]class FeatureMap():
"""Feature map class.
:param str distr: name of the spectral distribution to sample from the
:param numpy.ndarray bias: n_features dimensional bias. It is sampled from a
Unifrom distribution on the interval [0, 2*PI].
:param int input_dim: dimension of the input space.
:param int n_features: dimension of the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space.
:param list params: number of hyperparameters of the spectral distribution.
:param int sigma_f: multiplicative constant of the feature
map. Usually it is set as the empirical variance of the outputs.
:cvar callable fmap: feature map used to project the input samples to the RKHS.
Default value is rff_map.
:cvar callable fjac: Jacobian matrix of fmap. Default value is rff_jac, the
analytical Jacobian of fmap.
:cvar numpy.ndarray _pr_matrix: n_features-by-input_dim projection
matrix, whose rows are sampled from the spectral distribution distr.
:raises TypeError
def __init__(self, distr, bias, input_dim, n_features, params, sigma_f):
if callable(distr):
self.distr = distr
elif isinstance(distr, str):
self.distr = ProjectionFactory(distr)
raise TypeError('`distr` is not valid.')
self.bias = bias
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.n_features = n_features
self.params = params
self.sigma_f = sigma_f
self.fmap = rff_map
self.fmap_jac = rff_jac
self._pr_matrix = None
def pr_matrix(self):
Get the projection matrix.
:return: the projection matrix.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return self._pr_matrix
[docs] def _compute_pr_matrix(self):
Sample the projection matrixx from the spectral distribution.
:return: the projection matrix.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return self.distr(self.input_dim, self.n_features, self.params)
[docs] def compute_fmap(self, inputs):
Evaluate the feature map at inputs.
:param numpy.ndarray inputs: the inputs to project on the RKHS.
:return: the n_features dimensional projection of the inputs.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
if self._pr_matrix is None:
self._pr_matrix = self._compute_pr_matrix()
return self.fmap(inputs, self._pr_matrix, self.bias, self.n_features,
[docs] def compute_fmap_jac(self, inputs):
Evaluate the Jacobian matrix of feature map at inputs.
:param numpy.ndarray inputs: the inputs at which compute the Jacobian
matrix of the feature map.
:return: the n_features-by-input_dim dimensional Jacobian of the
feature map at the inputs.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
if self._pr_matrix is None:
self._pr_matrix = self._compute_pr_matrix()
return self.fmap_jac(inputs, self._pr_matrix, self.bias,
self.n_features, self.sigma_f)
[docs] def tune_pr_matrix(self,
Tune the parameters of the spectral distribution. Three methods are
available: log-grid-search (brute), annealing (dual_annealing) and
Bayesian stochastic optimization (bso) from GpyOpt. The default object
function to optimize is athena.utils.average_rrmse, which uses a
cross-validation procedure from athena.utils, see Example and tutorial 06_kernel-based_AS.
>>> from athena.kas import KernelActiveSubspaces
>>> from athena.feature_map import FeatureMap
>>> from athena.projection_factory import ProjectionFactory
>>> from athena.utils import CrossValidation, average_rrmse
>>> input_dim, output_dim, n_samples = 2, 1, 30
>>> n_features, n_params = 10, 1
>>> xx = np.ones((n_samples, input_dim))
>>> f = np.ones((n_samples, output_dim))
>>> df = np.ones((n_samples, output_dim, input_dim))
>>> fm = FeatureMap(distr='laplace',
bias=np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, n_features),
>>> kss = KernelActiveSubspaces(feature_map=fm, dim=1, n_features=n_features)
>>> csv = CrossValidation(inputs=xx,
outputs=f.reshape(-1, 1),
gradients=df.reshape(n_samples, output_dim, input_dim),
>>> best = fm.tune_pr_matrix(func=average_rrmse,
bounds=[slice(-2, 1, 0.2) for i in range(n_params)],
args=(csv, ),
:param callable func: the objective function to be minimized.
Must be in the form f(x, *args), where x is the argument in the
form of a 1-D array and args is a tuple of any additional fixed
parameters needed to completely specify the function.
:param tuple bounds: each component of the bounds tuple must be a
slice tuple of the form (low, high, step). It defines bounds for
the objective function parameter in a logarithmic scale. Step will
be ignored for 'dual_annealing' method.
:param tuple args: any additional fixed parameters needed to
completely specify the objective function.
:param str method: method used to optimize the objective function.
Possible values are 'brute', or 'dual_annealing'.
Default value is None, and the choice is made automatically wrt
the dimension of `self.params`. If the dimension is less than 4
brute force is used, otherwise a traditional Generalized
Simulated Annealing will be performed with no local search
strategy applied.
:param int maxiter: the maximum number of global search iterations.
Default value is 50.
:param bool save_file: True to save the optimal projection matrix
:param dict fn_args: dictionary of arguments passed to func.
:raises: ValueError
:return: list that records the best score and the best projection
matrix. The initial values are 0.8 and a n_features-by-input_dim
numpy.ndarray of zeros.
:rtype: list
if fn_args is None:
fn_args = {}
best = [0.8, np.zeros((self.n_features, self.input_dim))]
if method is None:
method = 'brute' if len(self.params) < 4 else 'dual_annealing'
if method == 'brute':
self.params = brute(func=func,
elif method == 'dual_annealing':
bounds_list = [[bound.start, bound.stop] for bound in bounds]
self.params = 10**dual_annealing(func=func,
elif method == 'bso':
bounds = [{
'name': f'var_{str(i)}',
'type': 'continuous',
'domain': [bound.start, bound.stop],
} for i, bound in enumerate(bounds)]
func_obj = partial(func, best=best, **fn_args)
bopt = GPyOpt.methods.BayesianOptimization(func_obj,
self.params = 10**bopt.x_opt
raise ValueError(
"Method argument can only be 'brute' or 'dual_annealing' or 'bso'."
self._pr_matrix = best[1]
self.params = best[0]
if save_file:
np.save("opt_pr_matrix", best[1])
return best
[docs]def rff_map(inputs, pr_matrix, bias, n_features, sigma_f):
Random Fourier Features map. It can be vectorized for inputs of shape n_samples-by-input_dim.
:param numpy.ndarray inputs: input_dim dimensional inputs to project to the RKHS.
:param numpy.ndarray pr_matrix: n_features-by-input_dim projection matrix,
whose rows are sampled from the spectral distribution.
:param numpy.ndarray bias: n_features dimensional bias. It is sampled from a
Unifrom distribution on the interval [0, 2*PI].
:param int n_features: dimension of the RKHS
:param int sigma_f: multiplicative term representing the empirical variance
the outptus.
:return: n_features dimensional projection of the inputs to the RKHS
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return np.sqrt(2 / n_features) * sigma_f * np.cos(
np.dot(inputs, pr_matrix.T) + bias.reshape(1, -1))
[docs]def rff_jac(inputs, pr_matrix, bias, n_features, sigma_f):
Random Fourier Features map's Jacobian. It can be vectorized for inputs of shape n_samples-by-input_dim.
:param numpy.ndarray inputs: input_dim dimensional inputs to project to the RKHS.
:param numpy.ndarray pr_matrix: n_features-by-input_dim projection matrix,
whose rows are sampled from the spectral distribution.
:param numpy.ndarray bias: n_features dimensional bias. It is sampled from a
Unifrom distribution on the interval [0, 2*PI].
:param int n_features: dimension of the RKHS
:param int sigma_f: multiplicative term representing the empirical variance
the outptus.
:return: n_features-by-input_dim dimensional projection of the inputs to the RKHS
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return (np.sqrt(2 / n_features) * sigma_f *
(-1) * np.sin(np.dot(inputs, pr_matrix.T) + bias)).reshape(
inputs.shape[0], n_features, 1) * pr_matrix