Source code for

Active Subspaces module.


    - Paul Constantine. Active subspaces: Emerging ideas for dimension
      reduction in parameter studies, vol. 2 of SIAM Spotlights, SIAM, 2015.

    - Constantine et al. Python Active-subspaces Utility Library,
      Journal of Open Source Software, 1(5), 79, 2016.

import types
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import null_space

from .subspaces import Subspaces
from .utils import (Normalizer, initialize_weights, linear_program_ineq,

[docs]class ActiveSubspaces(Subspaces): """Active Subspaces class :param int dim: dimension of the active subspace. :param str method: method to compute the AS. Possible choices are 'exact' when the gradients are provided, or 'local' to use local linear models. This approach is related to the sufficient dimension reduction method known sometimes as the outer product of gradient method. See the 2001 paper 'Structure adaptive approach for dimension reduction' from Hristache, et al. :param int n_boot: number of bootstrap samples. Default is 100. """ def __init__(self, dim, method='exact', n_boot=100): super().__init__(dim, method, n_boot) @property def activity_scores(self): """ Return the activity scores as defined in Constantine and Diaz, Global sensitivity metrics from active subspaces, Equation (21). :return: array with the activity score of each parameter. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :raises: TypeError .. warning:: `` has to be called in advance. """ if self.W1 is None: raise TypeError('The eigenvectors have not been computed and ' 'partitioned. You have to perform the fit method.') return np.power(self.W1, 2).dot(self.evals[:self.dim])
[docs] def fit(self, inputs=None, outputs=None, gradients=None, weights=None, metric=None): """ Compute the active subspaces given the gradients of the model function wrt the input parameters, or given the input/outputs couples. Only two methods are available: 'exact' and 'local'. :param numpy.ndarray inputs: input parameters oriented as rows. :param numpy.ndarray outputs: corresponding outputs oriented as rows. :param numpy.ndarray gradients: n_samples-by-n_params matrix containing the gradient samples oriented as rows. If frequent directions needed to be performed, gradients is an object of GeneratorType. :param numpy.ndarray weights: n_samples-by-1 weight vector, corresponds to numerical quadrature rule used to estimate matrix whose eigenspaces define the active subspace. :param numpy.ndarray metric: metric matrix output_dim-by-output-dim for vectorial active subspaces. :raises: TypeError :Example: >>> # inputs shape is n_samples-by-n_params >>> # outputs shape is n_samples-by-1 >>> # gradients shape is n_samples-by-n_params >>> # if gradients are available use the 'exact' method: >>> ss1 = ActiveSubspaces(dim=1, method='exact', n_boot=150) >>> >>> # for the frequent direction method to compute the eigenpairs >>> # you need to pass a generator to gradients: >>> gradients_gen = (grad for grad in gradients) >>> ss2 = ActiveSubspaces(dim=2, method='exact') >>> >>> # if no gradients are available use the 'local' method: >>> ss3 = ActiveSubspaces(dim=1, method='local', n_boot=150) >>>, outputs=outputs) """ if self.method == 'exact' and gradients is None: raise TypeError('gradients argument is None.') # estimate active subspace with local linear models. if self.method == 'local': if inputs is None or outputs is None: raise TypeError('inputs or outputs argument is None.') gradients = local_linear_gradients(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, weights=weights)[0] if isinstance(gradients, types.GeneratorType): self.evals, self.evects = self._frequent_directions(gradients) else: if weights is None or self.method == 'local': # use the new gradients to compute the weights, otherwise # dimension mismatch accours. weights = initialize_weights(gradients) if len(gradients.shape) == 3 and metric is None: metric = np.diag(np.ones(gradients.shape[1])) self.evals, self.evects = self._build_decompose_cov_matrix( gradients=gradients, weights=weights, metric=metric) self._compute_bootstrap_ranges(gradients, weights, metric=metric) self._partition()
[docs] def transform(self, inputs): """ Map full variables to active and inactive variables. Points in the original input space are mapped to the active and inactive subspace. :param numpy.ndarray inputs: array n_samples-by-n_params containing the points in the original parameter space. :return: array n_samples-by-active_dim containing the mapped active variables; array n_samples-by-inactive_dim containing the mapped inactive variables. :rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray :raises: TypeError """ if self.W1 is None: raise TypeError('the active subspace has not been evaluated.') active =, self.W1) # allow evaluation of active variables only inactive = None if self.W2 is None else, self.W2) return active, inactive
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, reduced_inputs, n_points=1): """ Map the points in the active variable space to the original parameter space. :param numpy.ndarray reduced_inputs: n_samples-by-dim matrix that contains points in the space of active variables. :param int n_points: the number of points in the original parameter space that are returned that map to the given active variables. Defaults to 1. :return: (n_samples * n_points)-by-n_params matrix that contains points in the original parameter space, (n_samples * n_points)-by-n_params matrix that contains integer indices. These indices identify which rows of the previous matrix (the full parameters) map to which rows of the active variables matrix. :rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray :raises: TypeError .. note:: The inverse map depends critically on the `self._sample_inactive` method. """ if self.W1 is None: raise TypeError('the active subspace has not been evaluated.') # the inactive eigenvectors are needed if self.W2 is None: self.W2 = null_space(self.W1).T inactive_swap = np.array([ self._sample_inactive(red_inp, n_points) for red_inp in reduced_inputs ]) inactive_inputs = np.swapaxes(inactive_swap, 1, 2) inputs, indices = self._rotate_x(reduced_inputs, inactive_inputs) return inputs, indices
[docs] def _sample_inactive(self, reduced_input, n_points): """ Sample inactive variables. Sample values of the inactive variables for a fixed value of the active variables when the original variables are bounded by a hypercube. :param numpy.ndarray reduced_input: the value of the active variables. :param int n_points: the number of inactive variable samples, :return: n_points-by-(inactive_dim) matrix that contains values of the inactive variable that correspond to the given `reduced_input`. :rtype: numpy.ndarray .. note:: The trick here is to sample the inactive variables z so that -1 <= W1*y + W2*z <= 1, where y is the given value of the active variables. In other words, we need to sample z such that it respects the linear inequalities W2*z <= 1 - W1*y, -W2*z <= 1 + W1*y. These inequalities define a polytope in R^(inactive_dim). We want to sample N points uniformly from the polytope. This function first tries a simple rejection sampling scheme, which finds a bounding hyperbox for the polytope, draws points uniformly from the bounding hyperbox, and rejects points outside the polytope. If that method does not return enough samples, the method tries a "hit and run" method for sampling from the polytope. If that does not work, it returns an array with `N` copies of a feasible point computed as the Chebyshev center of the polytope. """ Z = self._rejection_sampling_inactive(reduced_input, n_points) if Z is None: Z = self._hit_and_run_inactive(reduced_input, n_points) return Z
[docs] def _compute_A_b(self, reduced_input): """ Compute the matrix A and the vector b to build a box around the inactive subspace for uniform sampling. :param numpy.ndarray reduced_input: the value of the active variables. :return: matrix A, and vector b. :rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray """ s =, reduced_input).reshape((-1, 1)) A = np.vstack((self.W2, -1 * self.W2)) b = np.vstack((-1 - s, -1 + s)).reshape((-1, 1)) return A, b
[docs] def _rejection_sampling_inactive(self, reduced_input, n_points): """ A rejection sampling method for sampling the from a polytope. :param numpy.ndarray reduced_input: the value of the active variables. :param int n_points: the number of inactive variable samples. :return: n_points-by-inactive_dim matrix that contains values of the inactive variable that correspond to the given `reduced_input`. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ m, n = self.W1.shape inactive_dim = m - n # Build a box around z for uniform sampling A, b = self._compute_A_b(reduced_input) lbox, ubox = np.zeros((1, inactive_dim)), np.zeros((1, inactive_dim)) for i in range(inactive_dim): clb = np.zeros((inactive_dim, 1)) clb[i, 0] = 1.0 lbox[0, i] = linear_program_ineq(clb, A, b)[i, 0] cub = np.zeros((inactive_dim, 1)) cub[i, 0] = -1.0 ubox[0, i] = linear_program_ineq(cub, A, b)[i, 0] bn = Normalizer(lbox, ubox) Zbox = bn.inverse_transform( np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, size=(50 * n_points, inactive_dim))) ind = np.all(, Zbox.T) >= b, axis=0) if np.sum(ind) >= n_points: Z = Zbox[ind, :] return Z[:n_points, :].reshape(n_points, inactive_dim) return None
[docs] def _hit_and_run_inactive(self, reduced_input, n_points): """ A hit and run method for sampling the inactive variables from a polytope. :param numpy.ndarray reduced_input: the value of the active variables. :param int n_points: the number of inactive variable samples. :return: n_points-by-(inactive_dim) matrix that contains values of the inactive variable that correspond to the given `reduced_input`. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ m, n = self.W1.shape inactive_dim = m - n # Get an initial feasible point using the Chebyshev center. Huge props # to David Gleich for the Chebyshev center. s =, reduced_input).reshape((m, 1)) normW2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(self.W2, 2), axis=1)).reshape((m, 1)) A = np.hstack((np.vstack( (self.W2, -self.W2.copy())), np.vstack((normW2, normW2.copy())))) b = np.vstack((1 - s, 1 + s)).reshape((2 * m, 1)) c = np.zeros((inactive_dim + 1, 1)) c[-1] = -1.0 zc = linear_program_ineq(c, -1 * A, -b) z0 = zc[:-1].reshape((inactive_dim, 1)) # define the polytope A >= b A, b = self._compute_A_b(reduced_input) # tolerance eps0 = 1e-6 / 4.0 Z = np.zeros((n_points, inactive_dim)) for i in range(n_points): # random direction bad_dir = True count, maxcount = 0, 50 while bad_dir: d = np.random.normal(size=(inactive_dim, 1)) bad_dir = np.any(, z0 + eps0 * d) <= b) count += 1 if count >= maxcount: Z[i:, :] = np.tile(z0, (1, n_points - i)).T return Z # find constraints that impose lower and upper bounds on eps f, g = b -, z0),, d) # find an upper bound on the step min_ind = np.logical_and(g <= 0, f < -np.sqrt(np.finfo(np.float64).eps)) eps_max = np.amin(f[min_ind] / g[min_ind]) # find a lower bound on the step max_ind = np.logical_and(g > 0, f < -np.sqrt(np.finfo(np.float64).eps)) eps_min = np.amax(f[max_ind] / g[max_ind]) # randomly sample eps eps1 = np.random.uniform(eps_min, eps_max) # take a step along d z1 = z0 + eps1 * d Z[i, :] = z1.reshape(-1, ) # update temp var z0 = z1.copy() return Z
[docs] def _rotate_x(self, reduced_inputs, inactive_inputs): """ A convenience function for rotating subspace coordinates to x space. :param numpy.ndarray reduced_input: the value of the active variables. :param numpy.ndarray inactive_inputs: the value of the inactive variables. :return: (n_samples * n_points)-by-n_params matrix that contains points in the original parameter space, (n_samples * n_points)-by-n_params matrix that contains integer indices. These indices identify which rows of the previous matrix (the full parameters) map to which rows of the active variables matrix. :rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray """ NY, n = reduced_inputs.shape N = inactive_inputs.shape[2] m = n + inactive_inputs.shape[1] YY = np.tile(reduced_inputs.reshape((NY, n, 1)), (1, 1, N)) YZ = np.concatenate((YY, inactive_inputs), axis=1).transpose( (1, 0, 2)).reshape((m, N * NY)).transpose((1, 0)) inputs =, self.evects.T).reshape((N * NY, m)) indices = np.kron(np.arange(NY), np.ones(N)).reshape((N * NY, 1)) return inputs, indices
[docs] def _frequent_directions(self, gradients): """ Function that performs the frequent directions algorithm for matrix sketching. For more details about the method, see "Frequent directions: Simple and deterministic matrix sketching." Ghashami, Mina, et al. SIAM Journal on Computing 45.5 (2016): 1762-1792. doi: :param iterable gradients: generator for spatial gradients. :return: the sorted eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors for the reduced matrix. :rtype: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray """ s = np.array([next(gradients) for _ in range(self.dim)]).T for grad in gradients: evects, sigma = np.linalg.svd(s, full_matrices=False)[:2] s = evects, np.sqrt(np.diag(sigma**2) - (sigma[-1]**2) * np.eye(self.dim))) s[:, -1] = grad evals = sigma**2 return evals, evects