pi-DoMUS: Parallel Deal.II MUltiphysics Solver
piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC > Member List

This is the complete list of members for piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >, including all inherited members.

apply_dirichlet_bcs(const DoFHandler< dim, spacedim > &dof_handler, ConstraintMatrix &constraints) const piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >
apply_forcing_terms(const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &scratch, std::vector< double > &local_residual) const piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >
apply_neumann_bcs(const typename DoFHandler< dim, spacedim >::active_cell_iterator &cell, FEValuesCache< dim, spacedim > &scratch, std::vector< double > &local_residual) const piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >
create_new_vector() const piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >virtual
declare_parameters(ParameterHandler &prm)piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >virtual
differential_components() const piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >virtual
get_solution()piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >
n_dofs() const piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >virtual
output_step(const double t, const typename LAC::VectorType &solution, const typename LAC::VectorType &solution_dot, const unsigned int step_number, const double h)piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >virtual
parse_parameters_call_back()piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >virtual
piDoMUS(const std::string &name, const BaseInterface< dim, spacedim, LAC > &energy, const MPI_Comm &comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >
residual(const double t, const typename LAC::VectorType &src_yy, const typename LAC::VectorType &src_yp, typename LAC::VectorType &dst)piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >virtual
run()piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >
setup_jacobian(const double t, const typename LAC::VectorType &src_yy, const typename LAC::VectorType &src_yp, const typename LAC::VectorType &residual, const double alpha)piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >virtual
solve_jacobian_system(const double t, const typename LAC::VectorType &y, const typename LAC::VectorType &y_dot, const typename LAC::VectorType &residual, const double alpha, const typename LAC::VectorType &src, typename LAC::VectorType &dst) const piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >virtual
solver_should_restart(const double t, const unsigned int step_number, const double h, typename LAC::VectorType &solution, typename LAC::VectorType &solution_dot)piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >virtual
test(piDoMUS< fdim, fspacedim, fn_LAC > &)piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >friend
update_functions_and_constraints(const double &t)piDoMUS< dim, spacedim, LAC >