Custom Deformation

Module for a custom deformation.

class CustomDeformation(func)[source]

Bases: pygem.deformation.Deformation

Class to perform a custom deformation to the mesh points.


func (callable) – the function definying the deformation of the input points. This function should take as input: i) a 2D array of shape (n_points, 3) in which the points are arranged by row, or ii) an iterable object with 3 components. In this last case, computation of deformation is not vectorized and the overall cost may become heavy.

>>> from pygem import CustomDeformation
>>> import numpy as np
>>> def move(x):
>>>     return x + x**2
>>> deform = CustomDeformation(move)
>>> original_mesh_points = np.load(
>>>         'tests/test_datasets/meshpoints_sphere_orig.npy')
>>> new_mesh_points = deform(original_mesh_points)
>>> # Deformation with non-vectorized function
>>> def move(x):
>>>     x0, x1, x2 = x
>>>     return [x0**2, x1, x2]
>>> deform = CustomDeformation(move)
>>> new_mesh_points = deform(original_mesh_points)

This method performs the deformation on the input points.


src_pts (numpy.ndarray) – the array of dimensions (n_points, 3) containing the points to deform. The points have to be arranged by row.


the deformed points

Return type

numpy.ndarray (with shape = (n_points, 3))